6 Shoulder Pain Medicines That Might Have Been in Your Home


Medical Video: How to Cure Your Shoulder (Tendonitis, Bursitis, Impingement)

Whether it's due to sports injuries, sprains, or wrong pillows, pain in the shoulder can hamper your daily activities. Let alone to lift a briefcase or groceries, waving your hands when you meet with friends on the road is difficult. Instead of lingering in pain, try exploring your kitchen first. There are a number of natural remedies that can help you deal with shoulder pain. Curious?

Ice pack

If the pain in your shoulder is caused by a physical injury (to the neck or shoulder) and accompanied by swelling, cold compresses can be used to treat it. Injuries cause blood flow to increase to that location, resulting in fluid leakage in injured tissue. This condition can make the area of ​​pain feel hot and appear swollen.

Low ice temperatures can stimulate narrowing of blood vessels, which slows blood flow to the site of injury. This effect eventually minimizes the buildup of fluid so that the swelling can become more flat. Ice also helps reduce pain by reducing nerve sensitivity to pain.

How to use:

Wrap the ice with a towel or cloth so it doesn't stick directly to the skin. Then, paste the compress directly into the affected part. You can use this ice pack immediately after an injury. Compress the pain for 10-15 minutes. Can be repeated every 3-4 hours if necessary.

Warm compresses

Warm compresses are commonly used to relieve muscle aches or shoulder joints that have lasted a long time.

Warm temperatures can widen blood vessels so that blood flow and oxygen supply can more easily reach the affected area. This will help relax the muscles and reduce pain. Warm temperatures will also reduce stiffness and increase the range of motion of painful parts of the body.

However, warm compresses are not recommended for use in recent injuries or less than 48 hours. Because, warm temperatures will actually worsen swelling and increase pain. Warm compresses should also not be used on open wounds and injuries that still look swollen.

Warm compresses can only be done after a week from the time of injury, if the ice pack doesn't relieve the pain. If your shoulder area still has sores and swelling, then you should not use this warm compress first.

How to use:

Warm compresses can be provided through a towel soaked in warm water, a bottle containing warm water, or a heating pad specifically designed to compress. The temperature used to compress must be noticed so it does not overheat. The recommended temperature for warm compresses is around 40-50 degrees C.

Get used to not compressing for more than 20 minutes, unless the doctor recommends that. Also make sure you don't immediately put the heat source on the skin because it can cause burns or irritation.

In addition, bathing for 15 minutes under a warm shower can also be another effective choice.


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling, as well as antioxidants that reduce pain. According to one study, turmeric is enriched by high doses of curcumin so that the efficacy of pain reliever from turmeric can almost be compared with the ibuprofen drug.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a mineral used in various traditional medicine. Epsom salts can improve blood circulation by relaxing stiff muscles and shoulder joints.

How to use:

You can dissolve 2 cups of epsom salt into a warm water bath for 20 minutes. Do it regularly 3 times per week until shoulder pain subsides. Alternatively, dissolve the epsom salt into the soaking water for warm compresses. Do it with the same compress principle as above.


Similar to turmeric, ginger also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and shoulder pain.

Ginger can also help improve blood circulation so that it can help speed up the healing process of injury.

How to use:

A study published in the Journal of Pain showed that consumption of 2 grams of raw ginger or taken as a drink once a day can reduce shoulder muscle pain due to sports injuries by as much as 25 percent.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil can also be a natural remedy for shoulder pain. Lavender oil has the effect of relaxing the shoulder muscles that are temporarily tired while also helping to reduce pain. A study in 2015 found that lavender oil has an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory component.

In a test, the efficacy of diluted lavender oil to relieve muscle pain is equivalent to the tramadol pain reliever, if it is directly applied to the affected skin area.

How to use:

As a mixture of bath water

Put a few drops of lavender oil into a bathtub filled with warm water. Then, you can soak your entire body in the mixture for 30 minutes. Do it once a day.

As a rubbing oil mixture

Dilute 6-8 lavender oil first with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Use this oil mixture to massage the sore shoulder for about 10 minutes. Do massage for 2 times per day.

In general, various natural ingredients to treat shoulder pain above are safe to use. However, its effectiveness may be different for one person and another because it has not really been medically tested. What's important, make sure you don't have allergies to these ingredients. If you take regular medication along with these ingredients, you should consult with your doctor first.

6 Shoulder Pain Medicines That Might Have Been in Your Home
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