Children Walking While Sleeping, What To Do?


Medical Video: this kid won't believe she's sleep walking...

Does your child often walk while sleeping? Your child may experience somnambulism. This condition occurs when a child wakes up while sleeping, but is unaware of their actions. This situation occurs a lot in children aged 4 to 8 years.

Most children experience it somnambulism, starting to walk about one to two hours after falling asleep. The duration of one episode can last from 5 to 15 minutes. This behavior is usually harmless and most children will recover by themselves. However, this condition can be dangerous if not noticed, it is important for you to keep your child from getting hurt when they walk while sleeping.

What causes children to walk while sleeping?

There are several factors that can cause this condition such as:

  • fatigue or lack of sleep
  • irregular sleep habits
  • stress or anxiety
  • changing sleeping environment
  • pain or fever
  • certain drugs such as sedatives, stimulants and anti-histamines
  • genetic factors (family history somnambulism)

Although rare, sleepwalking can be a symptom of certain medical conditions, such as:

  • Sleep apnea (the situation when someone stops breathing in a short time while sleeping).
  • Night terror (great nightmares that occur while sleeping).
  • Migraine.
  • Restless leg syndrome (RLS).
  • Head injury.

What are the symptoms?

Sleepwalking is certainly the most obvious main symptom on somnambulism. However, there are also several other symptoms that accompany this condition, such as:

  • Sit on the bed and do repetitive movements.
  • Wake up and walk around the house.
  • Talk or mumble in sleep.
  • Did not respond when invited to talk.
  • Make careless moves.
  • Urinate in any place.
  • Perform routine or repetitive movements such as opening and closing doors.

How to diagnose it?

Usually, doctors will be able to diagnose this condition based on stories from family members about children's behavior. Generally, there is no treatment needed to overcome this condition. Your doctor may examine your child and ask him to do some psychological tests to rule out other conditions that can cause it somnambulism. If there are other medical conditions that cause your child's condition, your child may need treatment to cure the medical condition.

If the doctor suspects that there are other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or night terrorthe doctor may ask for an examination during sleep. During sleep, several electrodes will be placed on the child's body to measure heart rate, brain waves, breathing frequency, muscle tension, eye and leg movements, and oxygen levels in the body. A camera will also be installed to record the child's behavior during sleep.

If somnambulism what your child is suffering from is very disturbing, the doctor may suggest that you wake your child up on the set schedule. To do this, you should know about what time the child will usually wake up and start walking in his sleep. After knowing it, you will be asked to wake your child 15 minutes before the estimated time. This can help reset the child's sleep cycle and control the child's sleep behavior.

If this condition results in dangerous behavior or excessive fatigue, your doctor may prescribe medication for your child such as anti-depressant or benzodiazepine.

How do you deal with children who like to walk while sleeping?

If you realize that your child is sleeping, you can lead your child back to bed slowly. Don't wake your child up while walking while sleeping, because this can trigger aggressive behavior. Simply take the child slowly with words and direct them back to bed.

You can also do the following to maintain the security of your child:

  • Close and lock all windows and doors at night.
  • Install alarms on doors and windows or install locks that your child cannot reach.
  • Get rid of all objects that can cause tripping.
  • Get rid of all sharp and easily broken objects from around the child's bed.
  • Don't let your child sleep on a level bed.
  • Install a security fence in front of the stairs or corridors of the house.
  • Lower all water temperatures in the bathroom to prevent burns.
  • Keep keys out of reach of children.

How to prevent a child from sleeping?

Helping your child develop good sleep habits and teach relaxation techniques can help prevent somnambulism. Try to do the following:

  • Invite children to sleep at the same time every night.
  • Do a relaxing bedtime routine like taking a warm bath or listening to a soothing song.
  • Create a dark, quiet, and comfortable environment for sleeping.
  • Lower the room temperature to less than 24 degreesC.
  • Limit consumption of fluids before going to bed and make sure your child is in the restroom before going to bed.
  • Avoid caffeine and sugar before going to bed.

Consult your doctor if you have other concerns. Report to the doctor if the child's condition continues for quite a long time.

Children Walking While Sleeping, What To Do?
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