6 Skills that Survive Must Be Mastered If You Are Stranded on the Island Terasing


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Disasters on trips can reach anyone. This is what happened to Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) who was stranded alone on an island after his plane crashed, if you ever watched the film Cast Away. The story is fictional, but it can still happen to anyone and at any time. Including you.

No one wants to be stranded on a foreign island. However, you still need to know and master some basic skills to survive in the wild - not to scare, just just in case you experience it someday.

Here's how to survive if you are stranded on the island of nowhere.

STOP, the principle of how to survive in the wild

You now know and are sure that you will be stranded for some time on this foreign island. On the other hand, you are not sure when the rescue team will come (or if it will come).

Do not panic.Once you realize that luck is no longer in your hands, all you have to do isSTOP. STOP is a survival principle consisting of:Stop (Stop), Think (think), Observe (observe), and Plan (planned).

Stop for a moment to observe the surroundings and clear your mind to start thinking about future plans.

Ideally, this is the way to survive that you have to do in sequence:

  • Looking for drinking water sources
  • Search for or build shelter
  • Make fire
  • Make a rescue signal
  • Make tools for cooking such as collecting wood and looking for spears to hunt food.
  • Make or look for weapons to defend themselves if at any time there is danger.

Skills that you must master to survive when stranded on the island of nowhere

1. Looking for drinking water sources

Finding a source of drinking water must be your first priority at this time. Water is an intake that is very vital for survival. You can survive more than 3 weeks without food, but cannot live without water for more than 3-4 days.

The water source must be clean and drinkable. Sea water is not your choice. Salt can make the body more dehydrated, which can lead to kidney failure if it continues to be consumed. The best source of drinking water in an emergency is rainwater. You can use large leaves to hold rainwater and then transfer it to your drinking water bottle.

Try to gather courage to explore the contents of the island. Look for land far from the beach so you have the opportunity to find sources of clean water. The farther the land you are exploring, the more likely you are to find water sources such as rivers or maybe small waterfalls that you can use for drinking water.

Another strategy is to build an emergency reservoir by utilizing the sun's heat to collect water

Source: http://survivenature.com/island.php

Here's how:

  1. Dig a hole in the sand beside the trees. Dig until the sand feels moist.
  2. Place the container in the center of the hole. Use a glass or any container that can hold water.
  3. Fill the gap that surrounds the container with anything wet, such as wet leaves.
  4. Place a plastic sheet over the hole and hold the plastic sheet by placing stones on both sides.
  5. Place one small stone in the middle of the plastic, just above the container.
  6. Dew will start to appear on the bottom of the plastic and run to the center of the plastic. Later, water will drip into a container under plastic.

2. Search for or build a residence

6 Skills that Survive Must Be Mastered If You Are Stranded on the Island Terasing
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