7 Natural Solutions for Overcoming Back Pain


Medical Video: 7 Simple Core Exercises That Prevent Lower Back Pain

You may experience back pain at a time in your life. Sometimes, the condition can be serious: your back hurts not playing until it spreads to your feet which makes you feel numb. As a result you cannot do daily activities as usual. In this situation, you should see a doctor first. However, not all conditions for back pain require a prescription. You can deal with back pain naturally.

Various ways to deal with back pain without having to see a doctor

Compress your back

When you wake up in the morning, back pain can become more serious. You will feel pain and stiffness, and you cannot even get up to sit.

You can try placing a hot compress under your back when you lie on your back or on your back when you lie face down. The heat will help warm the muscles, relieve stiffness, and blood can flow to your back more easily. However, do not use heat that is too high because it can damage skin tissue.

Do yoga laughing

Laughing yoga is a type of yoga that helps people improve their health conditions by laughing. When you laugh, the body can get more oxygen, reduce stress and produce more endorphins (hormones that help relieve pain naturally).

In addition, laughing yoga is a mild physical exercise that you can do if other exercises are too painful and difficult for your back.

Massage your back

You can do massage regularly at home or at the health center. Massage helps reduce stress, relaxes the muscles, and encourages the body to produce more endorphins. You can consider doing a massage on a massage table or massage chair. This depends on your needs. Just relax and massage will help overcome your back pain.

Change sleeping position

Sleep position can affect the condition of back pain. Some positions can increase pain, and some other positions reduce. You must try several positions to find out what position is best for you. Sleeping in a lean position can help. You can also try sleeping in a chair or bed specifically for better support.


Life demands often force people to sit long at work desks throughout the day completing work or studying. However, do not maintain a sitting position for too long. Every 20 minutes, you have to stand up and stretch, like your back, legs or arms. Mild exercise can be a good choice because it helps relax the muscles and warm the body.

Maintain muscle strength

Maintaining muscle strength is a good way to deal with back pain. Strong hip and pelvic muscles provide better support for your back.

You can feel your back pain reduce by doing the methods above. But for more serious cases of back pain, the ways to deal with back pain above may not be very effective. Therefore, seeking medical help is the best choice.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

7 Natural Solutions for Overcoming Back Pain
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