How to help people who intentionally hurt themselves


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Sometimes, it is difficult to see the characteristics of people who intentionally hurt themselves. People around you may have this tendency without you knowing. The reason is, people who do this usually cover scars by wearing closed clothes, or do not want to be invited to talk about the problem. The sooner you know that someone has a potentially fatal tendency, the more likely it is to help. If someone nearby or your family member intentionally hurts yourself, you need a special approach to accompany him. Look carefully at the guide helping the following self-hurt people.

Why does someone intentionally hurt themselves?

Anyone can do this action, whether male, female, teenager, or adult. Generally, they intentionally hurt themselves due to emotions, situations, memory, or events that are very difficult to digest. As a form of impingement, they will intentionally cause injuries, pain, or certain physical sensations in their own bodies.

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Please note, the information in this paragraph may be difficult to process and makes you uncomfortable. If you are currently feeling vulnerable or certain desires arise to hurt yourself, you should not continue reading. There are several ways a person can hurt his body. Examples include cutting and scratching the skin to a wound, banging the head, or burning certain limbs. In other cases, the process of hurting yourself is taken by drinking poisons or overdosing on drugs.

In some people, this action can prove to himself that he is still alive and not numb. However, certain people actually feel nothing when they hurt themselves because the brain functions that regulate the pain have been disrupted due to psychological trauma or certain psychiatric disorders.

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How can I help people who hurt themselves?

To help people who are hurting themselves, keep in mind that you need patience because stopping this habit is not easy and can take a long time. However, every time and effort you give to it is very valuable.

1. Find out about the habit of hurting yourself

In order for the help and support you give him in accordance with his conditions, you should learn about the habit of hurting yourself from various trusted sources. That way, you can be able to understand the mindset and behavior and can act according to the situation.

2. Be positive

Not that you understand his actions, but rather show compassion and affection. Judging or calling him "crazy" or "insane" will not help him break the habit. Blaming it for doing so will also make it more vulnerable.

Instead of judging and being negative, ask what he feels and what you can do so he can feel better. Tell him that you believe he can get out of his mindset. This is indeed not easy because it is not necessarily he wants to tell stories or stop his actions, but over time he will feel your positive energy.

3. Don't make him feel guilty

When helping people who are hurting themselves, focus on them. Don't be with yourself, your family, or anyone else. Avoid words like, "Poor your parents, they must be sad and embarrassed if you are like this."

At present, all he needs is your attention and concern for him because he is likely to feel a failure and worthless. Making him feel guilty justifies his mindset that he is a failure and a mistake that deserves to be hurt. Although it is sometimes difficult for yourself to accept and understand what he is doing, respect his feelings and thoughts with an open heart.

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4. Take time

In many cases, people who hurt themselves only need your time and willingness to listen to their complaints. He doesn't need gifts, lectures, or lectures from you. So, make sure that the person closest to you knows that you are ready to listen to the problem and outpouring his heart. You can also make time to invite him to do positive things together. Find out what activities he likes and places that interest him.

5. Don't threaten

You will not help people who hurt themselves with threats and warnings. For example, the threat to expel a child from home if found to hurt themselves, or threaten to expel a student who hurt themselves from school. The threat will only make his view more blurred and difficult to make wise decisions when his emotions are triggered.

6. Invite to seek professional help

Remember that you may need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist to stop the habit of hurting yourself. No need to force or drag him to a psychology clinic, but give a constant understanding that someone else can help him get out of the black hole. However, if he is in a dangerous situation, immediately call emergency services or take them to the nearest health facility.

How to help people who intentionally hurt themselves
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