9 Easy Ways to Train Emotional Intelligence


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To achieve success in a career and personal life, intellectual intelligence alone is not enough. You also have to be smart in building and managing positive relationships with others. That certainly starts with yourself. You need to have a positive personality so you can deal with any difficult situation. That's why you need emotional intelligence. However, training emotional intelligence is not something you can do overnight. You need to shape it slowly. However, you don't need to worry because honing emotional intelligence is basically very simple. Just follow the following easy guidelines.

What is emotional intelligence?

Before practicing your emotional intelligence, you should first understand what emotional intelligence is also often called emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ). According to experts in psychology and mental development, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage emotions that you and others feel.

Like numeracy, language and work skills, this ability also needs to be honed. Understanding the emotions of others and responding appropriately is a useful ability so you can negotiate and work with colleagues. In addition, emotional sensitivity is also very useful in social life, family, or when making love together with a partner.

Train emotional intelligence

There are main principles that need to be fulfilled to train emotional intelligence. Please see 9 tips that you can check the following.

1. Get to know the emotions you feel

Always ask yourself what you are feeling. Good when you experience unpleasant events, get good news, even when you are bored and not excited. Don't underestimate this process. Knowing your own feelings can help you predict what actions you will take when facing a particular situation. You also can control yourself and prevent actions that you will regret later on.

For example, when you have just been reprimanded by your boss. Try to ask yourself whether what you feel predominantly is disappointed in yourself, angry with other team members, or you just don't feel anything. From here, you can find out the next step and make sure this incident doesn't happen again.

2. Ask others for opinions

Sometimes, you need opinions from other people to understand yourself. No problem, you can try asking the closest people about their views on you. For example, when you are tired, what do you usually do or complain about? How does this affect the people around you? This will help you recognize your own behavior patterns while understanding the feelings of people who are close to you.

3. Observe every change in your emotions and mood

Make it a habit to observe and feel any changes in your emotions, moods, or behavioral patterns. You will no longer experience it mood swing whose origin is unclear. That way, you can overcome problems that you didn't realize before. For example, you suddenly wake up early in a state of fuss. If you are accustomed to observing the dynamics of feelings and events in your life, you may realize that the cause is feeling nervous because you have to present in front the supervisor You this afternoon.

4. Write a journal or diary

In order for you to quickly master various techniques for managing emotions, record all your activities and feelings in a journal or diary. That way, you will be more adept at detecting the emotions you feel, the causes, and how to deal with those emotions. This also applies to emotions felt by others. By writing down the dynamics when dealing with other people, you will train yourself to find out what other people feel, the causes, and the best way to deal with that person.

5. Think before acting

To train your emotional intelligence, don't be rushed to make decisions or do things. You need time to consider all possibilities. In addition, you can also see the impact your actions have on yourself and others. The impression is indeed easier said than done, but the trick is to learn to listen more than talk. That way, you will get used to controlling yourself before saying or doing something.

6. Dig the root of the problem

Sometimes, the hardest challenge in training emotional intelligence is understanding others. So, what you need to do is hone empathy. You can develop empathy by asking these four important questions:

  • What feeling is he conveying through his actions or words?
  • Why does he feel this way?
  • What might he experience or think about but I don't know?
  • Why don't I feel what he feels?

By understanding other people, you can explore the root of the problems faced by you and those of others. Therefore, solving problems will be easier and smoother.

7. Introspect when receiving criticism

Practicing emotional intelligence is also important to do when you experience an unpleasant event as criticized by others. Without your realizing it, criticism is the thing you need to develop yourself. So, instead of being discouraged or angry, you should use this opportunity to introspect. Even though you are criticized in a way that is not polite or respectful, try to focus on the contents of the criticism, not the way it is delivered. Ask yourself what might make someone else criticize yourself in such a way? Try to put aside for a moment the hurt or shame that surrounds you and think about whether the criticism is true. After that, also think about how to improve yourself.

8. Understand your own body

Emotional intelligence is directly related to the condition of your body. This is because every nerve and cell in your body has an influence on each other. If you are stressed, you may lose your appetite or have trouble sleeping. Or lest you feel nauseous because you are nervous. Learning to understand your own body will help you become aware of your feelings and reactions to certain situations.

9. Continue to practice the habit

The best way to practice emotional intelligence is to continue to practice the steps above. The process of training emotional intelligence can take place throughout your life. However, the more you try hard, the results will be better and felt in everyday life without having to wait for years. You also don't need to bother taking therapy or self-development seminars that are not cheap. If you do believe that the ability to manage emotions can improve the quality of life, you only need one simple key, namely to continue to encourage yourself to train emotional intelligence.


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9 Easy Ways to Train Emotional Intelligence
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