8 Benefits of Long Beans for Health (Can It Really Raise Breasts?)


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Long beans are certainly no longer the name of a vegetable that sounds familiar to the people of Indonesia. But not much is known about the information on nutritional value and health benefits of vegetable beans that can grow up to 75 centimeters in length. According to the myths circulating, one of the benefits of long beans can be to enlarge the breasts, if consumed regularly. Is it true? Read on to learn more about the benefits of beans for your health.

What are the nutritional values ​​contained in long beans?

In a serving of 100 grams of beans, it contains 47 calories, 4 grams of sodium (0% daily recommendation value), 8 grams of total carbohydrate (2% daily value), and 3 grams of protein (5% of daily recommendations). Fresh long beans are one of the best sources of folate. Per 100 grams of beans contains 62 mg or 15% of the total daily requirement of folate. Folate coupled with vitamin B12 is one of the important components of DNA synthesis and cell division.

In addition, fresh beans also contain a series of antioxidants that are important for the body, such as vitamin C, riboflavin, and beta-carotene. Long beans contain enough vitamin C to meet 31 percent of your daily needs, which is around 19 milligrams. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that dissolves in water, and when your vitamin C intake is fulfilled, it helps strengthen the immune system to fight infection and maintain blood vessel elasticity.

Long beans are also an excellent source of vitamin A. In 100 grams of beans contain 865 IU of vitamin A (16% of daily needs), and this amount is more than other legume families such as lima beans and beans. Vitamin A plays a role in maintaining the strength of the inner skin tissue, brightening skin tone, and sharpening the quality of night vision.

Not only is it rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, long beans also provide you with sufficient amounts of some minerals that are good for the body, such as iron, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Then, what are the benefits of beans for health?

Long beans are often processed into stir-fry vegetables until soupy dishes, such as vegetable lodeh and vegetable tempeh ach. The savory sweet taste is indeed shake the tongue, but first consider 8 benefits of long beans that are important for body health.

1. Relieve menstrual pain

In a clinical trial, reported from Best Health Magazinewomen who consumed high doses of manganese from their diet experienced improvements in the frequency and severity of abdominal cramps and improved moods, compared to those who ate less manganese.

2. Healthy and bright skin

Studies show that taking high doses of vitamin C reduces the appearance of wrinkles, heals dry and reddish skin, and slows down the aging process. This is because vitamin C works to accelerate the healing process in the body, which is important not only for the skin but also for the strength of muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, and tendons.

A diet that is rich in vitamin C also helps prevent the development of skin cancer.

3. Good for heart health

Soluble fiber found in long beans can help reduce the amount of LDL bad cholesterol. Plus, the benefits of long beans have been shown to reduce inflammation and blood pressure - which is also good for heart health. A serving of long beans (100 grams) suffices for your daily fiber needs of up to 12 percent.

4. Prevent cancer

Panjag beans contain a line of vegetable antioxidants, including flavonoids, and riboflavin. A study of samples of breast cancer cells and colorectal cancer in Deakin University in Australia showed a synergistic effect between these two compounds in reducing the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, long beans contain high levels of folic acid. Folic acid deficiency has been reported as a risk of cancer of the colon, breast, cervix, lungs, and brain cancer. Evidence shows that intake of foods rich in folate can prevent the development of cancer. Intake of 900 mcg of folic acid every day is reported to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30 percent.

5. Counteract free radicals

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals, pollution, and toxic chemicals. Free radical buildup causes a number of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Inflammation of untreated joints can lead to gout complications.

This makes the benefits of long beans also good for reducing the risk of gout. High uric acid in the body forms crystallization of the joints, which generally attack the big toe. People who have enough vitamin C intake up to 1000-1499 mg have a reduced risk of gout up to 31 percent.

6. Raising breasts

A study from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University reported the benefits of long beans to enlarge the breasts. This is thought to be because long beans contain phytoestrogens, natural estrogen compounds found in plants. Other phytoestrogen compounds include flavonoids and isoflavones.

Based on the findings of the researchers, the presence of phytoestrogens in long beans can trigger the growth of epithelial cells in the breast when attached to estrogen receptors, which ultimately triggers the development of breast size. However, the nature of this study is still limited to the testing of epithelial cell tissue samples that are affected by long bean extract in tightly controlled laboratories.

7. Reducing glucose levels

Another study that tested long bean extract found that long thin green vegetables contained antihyperglycemic and analgesic properties - reducing pain by decreasing the body's sensitivity to stimulants. Oral glucose tolerance test test shows the effect of reducing blood glucose levels. However, this study is still limited to lab rat experiments, further research is needed to prove the benefits of the same beans in humans.

8. Prevent baby neural tube defects

Birth physical defects and cardiac malformations in children are the result of folate deficiency. Adequate intake of folic acid in your diet during fertility and pregnancy can prevent the risk of birth tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly in newborns. Folate is very important for DNA replication and fetal cell growth. Folic acid-rich foods can reduce the chances of neural tube defects by 26 percent.

8 Benefits of Long Beans for Health (Can It Really Raise Breasts?)
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