8 Easy Tricks That Can Help Stop Smoking


Medical Video: Quit Smoking : How Chewing Gum Helps Stop Smoking

One of the most difficult things to do is stop everything that makes opium, one of which is cigarettes. Apart from many warnings about the dangers of smoking or warning "no smoking", in fact, there are still many numbers of smokers. Even in Indonesia, the number of smokers in Indonesia increases every year. No exception is the number of young smokers. In fact, based on the latest data from the 2013 Basic Health Research, active smokers starting at the age of 10 years and over numbered 58,750,592 people.

Cigarettes do make opium because of the nicotine content in them. So, it is not surprising that many active smokers have difficulty actually quitting smoking even though various methods have been carried out. Difficulties in quitting smoking are usually experienced by smokers at the beginning of the trial to stop smoking.

Therefore, here are some tips that you might be able to do to overcome difficulties in quitting smoking.

1. Sipping cold water through a straw

One unique way that can be done to overcome the difficulty of stopping smoking is to breathe cold water through a straw; this can be used as a way to change the desire to smoke cigarettes. In addition, breathing cold water through a straw will also release dopamine which is a brain chemical that can help alleviate a bad mood. Or, you can also change the desire to smoke cigarettes by eating healthy snacks.

2. Note the positive things that happen after you stop smoking

Many smokers do not want to stop because they feel that quitting smoking only tortures themselves. In fact, quitting smoking will provide many benefits to your body, including your finances and health. For this reason, when you're trying to quit smoking, try to take note of the positive things you get in a few days of quitting smoking, including feeling more controlled, saving money, feeling more energetic, and so on.

3. Toothbrush routine

Usually, active smokers have dark lips and mouth breaths that tend to smell like cigarettes. Therefore, one of the good things you get when trying to quit smoking is your mouth's breath that feels more refreshed especially when you brush your teeth frequently. If you regularly brush your teeth and always have fresh breath, you will feel sorry to dirty them again with tar and cigarette smoke.

4. Avoid alcohol

Based on a study, it is known that there is a close relationship between alcohol consumption and smoking. Therefore, one way you can stop smoking is to avoid alcohol because alcohol can damage your self-defense to stop smoking.

5. Sports, even just walking

If you really want to quit smoking, you should try to actively exercise. Because when your body is active, your body will send natural chemicals that can help your mood and reduce stress. One of the lightest sports you can try is on foot.

6. Put something in your mouth

The point is, when you are in the process of quitting smoking, there will always be a desire to put something in your mouth. This happens because you are used to sucking cigarettes so that when you are in the stage of trying to quit smoking you will feel strange if there is nothing in your mouth. Therefore, you can replace the cigarettes that you normally put in your mouth with sugar-free gum, or healthy snacks.

7. Be strong especially in the first two weeks

The hardest time in the process of quitting smoking is in the first two weeks. However, after you pass this time, you will get used to it without smoking and begin to get the benefits. Therefore, when you have passed the initial two weeks, do not let you be tempted to smoke again because it will make all your efforts in the hardest times be in vain.

8. Remember again, what is the reason you stop smoking

And finally, if in the end you start giving up all the efforts you have made to stop smoking, you have to go back to remembering why you want to quit smoking. Try writing down all the list of reasons and place the list of reasons where you can see - as an ingredient for self reflection. Moreover, when your reason for quitting smoking is your family, especially parents, children, or wives.

8 Easy Tricks That Can Help Stop Smoking
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