4 Goodness of Olive Oil to Maintain Baby's Skin Health


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Baby's skin is famous for its smooth and soft texture that makes anyone happy to touch it. That is why you as a parent must be careful in choosing the right skin care product for the baby. Instead of having to use products with lots of chemicals, why not try using olive oil for your baby's skin? There are many benefits, you know!

What are the benefits of olive oil for baby's skin?

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Olive oil has been known to be of good use as an alternative oil for cooking while treating the naturalness of skin and hair. Uniquely, not only can be used by adults, olive oil is also believed to be safe to be used as a little skin care.

1. As a massage oil

If you are used to massaging your baby after bathing, using olive oil can be a good choice. Not without reason, this is because olive oil is rich in vitamin E and oleic acid which makes it able to help repair bones and muscles while keeping baby's skin tight.

Massage your child slowly starting from the body, face, hands, and ends at the foot. Besides being able to pamper him through this activity, it will also strengthen your and your little one's bond.

2. Moisturizes the skin

The main task of the skin is as the outermost barrier from dust and dirt that tries to enter the body. That is why if not cared for properly the baby's skin will be easily damaged and lose moisture.

Here is the role of olive oil for baby's skin, which is as a natural moisturizer to help maintain the natural texture of your baby's skin.

3. Caring for dry skin

It is undeniable, even though babies have soft, soft skin, changes in temperature and extreme weather can also change the baby's skin texture quickly. In fact, your baby's skin risks being easier to dry than adult skin.

If not treated immediately, this condition can interfere with activities that make babies become easily fussy and difficult to calm. Finally, you will be made dizzy yourself because the little one doesn't seem to want to be organized all day.

Well, one way to overcome it even prevent before the baby's skin is completely dry is to distribute olive oil to the area of ​​the baby's dry skin. The hydration and moisture effects produced by olive oil can keep baby's skin smooth.

4. Overcoming skin problems

The skin has the outermost layer called the epidermis which must work hard to maintain the structure of the skin and the organs below it. Unfortunately, the epidermal layer of baby's skin is still very thin, making it quite sensitive and easily troubled.

One of the things that your little one might experience is eczema and diaper rash, either because of sensitive skin or due to too often being hit by diaper friction. Apparently, mixing two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of water can help restore baby's skin problems.

Next, rub the mixture on both of your hands and gently rub it on the part of the skin that has a rash.

However, pay attention to a few of these before giving olive oil to babies

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Even though you have a myriad of benefits for your little one, you still have to pay attention to a number of things first before giving olive oil to baby's skin. Because the skin structure of babies and adults is not the same, so is the structure of the skin of one baby and the other.

In other words, there is a suitable baby using treatment with olive oil, but there are also those that actually experience irritation. This condition usually occurs when your child has an allergy to olive oil. In addition, a history of family members who are sensitive or allergic to olive oil should also be considered before using it.

If you are in doubt, avoid applying olive oil in large quantities to your baby's body. Instead, drop a little olive oil and apply it on one part of the body of the baby who is not injured, then wait for signs of allergies.

4 Goodness of Olive Oil to Maintain Baby's Skin Health
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