Are Herbal Acne Medicines More Effective Than Chemical Medicines?


Medical Video: Acne | Nucleus Health

If there are pimples on your face, what will you do first? Just let it go or find a way to immediately eliminate it? Usually, when pimples appear, many people are looking for ways to get rid of acne quickly, both with acne medications or natural ingredients aka herbs.

What causes acne?

Before you treat pimples that appear, you need to know why zits can grow on your face. Acne usually occurs because of a combination of hormonal factors, bacteria on the skin, and fatty acids in the oil glands.

Although acne is basically a normal physiological event, hormonal changes, touching or squeezing acne lesions (blackheads, small bumps), and clothes you wear (hats, caps, or other headgear) can contribute to the appearance of pimples on the face. You.

Herbal remedies for acne can be an option

The use of herbs for zits has existed before modern treatments developed. Herbs are chosen because acne treatment naturally has fewer side effects than modern ones. So, herbs are thought to help reduce the bacteria that cause acne, swelling, and cure skin damage.

Some herbal ingredients to treat acne

Some plants that are proven to help cure acne are Manjistha (rubia cordifolia), Neem or neem leaves (azadirachta indica), and tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia).

Which must be considered when using herbal medicines for acne

The thing you need to pay attention to is that not everyone matches herbs. People who are not suitable or sensitive to herbs will usually have side effects when using herbs to treat acne, in the form of allergic reactions or skin irritations.

So, if you experience inflammation, itching, or burning sensation when using herbs to treat acne, you need to stop using and consult your doctor. And specifically for pregnant, lactating mothers and children, you should not use herbs to treat acne unless under the supervision of a trained practitioner or you have consulted with your doctor.

Tips for caring for acne-prone skin

Regardless of what type of acne drug you choose, you still need to maintain the health of your facial skin so that acne doesn't get worse. Some of the ways you can do include:

  • Choose a cleanser specially formulated for acne. Usually, this product contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which can help clear pimples.
  • Clean your face gently, because cleaning your face too hard or by rubbing it can trigger the appearance of zits or exacerbate existing acne.
  • When cleaning makeup, use hands or cotton, because materials such as rough washcloths can cause facial sores or zits.
  • Use only mild and non-comedogenic moisturizers, which cannot aggravate acne.
  • And finally, don't touch your face or existing pimples. Especially in a state of hands that are not clean. Before touching your face, you need to wash your hands with soap first.
Are Herbal Acne Medicines More Effective Than Chemical Medicines?
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