Various Ways to Overcome Back Pain


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Doing daily activities can be difficult when you have back pain. Many people with back pain are disrupted by their daily activities and must spend time every month going to the doctor for treatment. Treatment for back pain can vary depending on how long you have had back pain, how severe your back pain is, and your personal needs and preferences. The following are some treatment options that can be useful for you if you have chronic back pain:

Back pain can be overcome by drug therapy

The first treatment for most people with back pain through drug use. At first you can get a drug that is on the market, but as pain progresses, you may need to get prescription drugs from your doctor. Some medications for back pain are:

  • Market painkillers such as paracetamol (Tylenol ®) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve®), may relieve acute back pain.
  • Muscle relaxants can relieve mild to moderate back pain. But this drug can make you dizzy and sleepy.
  • Topical pain relievers are creams or ointments that you rub onto your skin in the affected area.
  • Narcotics such as codeine or hydrocodone, can be used for a short time with close supervision from a doctor.
  • Antidepressants, such as tricyclic antidepressants, amitriptyline - have been shown to relieve some types of chronic back pain.
  • Injection. Cortisone injection helps reduce inflammation around nerve roots, but pain usually lasts less than a few months.

Different types of therapy

For chronic back pain, in addition to drugs, your doctor can recommend more effective and natural therapies for pain control:

  • Do physical therapy. Your doctor may recommend you to a qualified instructor, who teaches exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture.
  • Manual therapy. Therapy includes manipulation, mobilization and massage, usually performed by chiropractors, osteopaths or physiotherapists.
  • Acupuncture. A treatment in which fine needles are inserted at different points in the body. This method has been shown to help reduce lower back pain.
  • Electrotherapy. This therapy reduces back pain by using low-voltage electrical stimulation that affects the sensory nervous system.
  • Shallow heating or cooling of the skin. This pain management method includes cold and hot compresses, ultrasound, and diathermy.
  • Behavior modification. Cognitive therapy is done by teaching patients to relieve back pain by using relaxation techniques, pain management techniques and other methods.
  • Exercise. Exercises that can stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture such as yoga and stretching. Even though you may need to change a number of poses if they make your symptoms worse.

Surgery for back pain

When all other treatments fail or if your back pain is so severe that you cannot sleep or move, surgery may be an option. Two operations sometimes carried out include:

  • Disectomy. Lifts part of one disc between the bones of the spine to stop it from pressing on a nearby nerve
  • Spinal Fusion. Lifts two or more vertebrae that join together with parts of the bone to stabilize the spine and reduce pain

This procedure can help reduce pain by working on the nerves that are pressed in your spine that cause pain. This operation may or may not work and there are possible side effects. Before you agree to undergo surgery, you must fully discuss the risks and benefits with your surgeon.

How to prevent back pain

A healthy lifestyle is the key to good health. Exercise can increase strength and endurance and support your muscles to work more effectively. This method helps you build muscle strength and flexibility that can relieve back pain.

This method is also important for maintaining a healthy body weight. Being overweight can cause changes in the back muscles. If you are overweight, try to lose weight to prevent back pain.

You must be aware of the pressure on your spine. Standing or sitting too long in a bad position, or often lifting heavy objects can cause pressure on the spine, eventually causing back pain. Try to support your back, such as using the right shoes or using lumbar swabs if you have to sit too long.

By combining this method, you can enjoy your life before back pain. The important thing is that you must maintain your plan and follow up.

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Various Ways to Overcome Back Pain
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