Can Early Retirement Really Make You Vulnerable to Pain?


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Some people may feel sad when they start retirement. However, there are also those who actually feel happy because they are free from various job demands. Yes, early retirement gives you plenty of free time to rest and travel, but sometimes it is frustrating which is marked by a decrease in health. Then, early retirement makes the body healthier or just the opposite, huh? Find the answer in the following review.

Is early retirement good for health?

Not a few people choose to retire early so they can rest more and enjoy life more freely. However, is this the right choice in terms of health?

Reporting from Verywell page, a study at Shell Oil company found that people who retire at the age of 55 have a risk of death up to 2 times greater than those who retire at age 60 In fact, this risk is 80 percent greater for men than for women. This was allegedly because they had had serious health problems before.

In a separate study, experts looked at 16,827 men in Greece who did not experience any health problems, both for participants who had retired and were still working. As a result, retired men have an increased risk of death by 51 percent. Most of it is caused by heart disease and blood vessel problems.

Early retirement is certainly done with various considerations, one of which is in terms of financial readiness to meet nutritious food needs. Unpreparedness to retire early can increase the production of the hormone cortisol. As a result, someone tends to be stressed and this will have an impact on the decline in health.

According to research, retirement at the age of 60 is better for health

Unlike early retirement, a study shows that someone who chooses to retire at the age of 60 does not experience significant health problems. The reason is, people who retire at the age of 60 have the same level of physical and mental health as people who are still working.

In fact, a person's mental health is reported to increase after retiring at the age of 60 years and above. According to a study published in The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, some people experience better emotional development with decreased depression after they retire. So, it can be concluded that the best retirement and safe for health is at the age of 60 years.

People who choose to retire means having more time to rest, exercise, control their eating patterns, and routinely check their health to the doctor. That is, the opportunity to lead a healthy life will be more open. Thus, his health is expected to increase.

So at what age do you want to retire, actually come back to you. Yes, everything depends on how you manage your physical and psychological health after working productively.

Tips for retirement to stay healthy and fit

Entering an early retirement or just in time together requires you to maintain health at an age that is no longer young. When you retire and just sit around all day, your health will certainly deteriorate compared to those who regularly exercise.

So, retirement does not mean you can laze around at home. Well, here are tips on maintaining health in retirement, including:

  • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruit. You are encouraged to consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day to meet the body's nutrients in old age.
  • Physical activity. Do sports that you like so your body stays active throughout the day. Routine exercise can help build strength, flexibility, balance, and maintain heart health in old age.
  • Train the brain. Besides the body, the brain also needs exercise. Do the things that sharpen your brain by learning new things like solving puzzles, gardening, or teaching.
  • Relaxation. Choosing to retire means you are reducing stress levels during your work period. Try to meditate to help you be more calm and relaxed so that your stress level is reduced.
  • Get enough rest. Adults need to take at least 7-9 hours of rest every night. Avoid taking a nap that is too long so that your hours of sleep at night are not disturbed.
  • Having a relationship well. Getting in touch with other people can extend life expectancy. Therefore, keep the friendship and family relationship so that the mood remains good. This will make retirees stay psychologically healthy and youthful.
Can Early Retirement Really Make You Vulnerable to Pain?
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