Can the Pen in Broken Bones? What to do?



Treatment for fractures is usually done by installing an implant, also known as a pen, as a broken bone connector. In this case, the bone pen will help speed up the healing process, while restoring the initial function of the injured bone.

Now, the next question is maybe not, yes, the pen that has been planted in this bone can be broken?

Can the bone pen break?

The bone pen serves to help reconnect the broken bone. During the process of bone healing, the pen will replace bone function in supporting the body's weight. In short, the use of pen can help the bones to grow back to normal as usual. You might think that bone pens are strong, even stronger than bones.

Unfortunately, the reality is not necessarily. As with bones that might be broken, even the pen in the bone. Pen strength, which is generally made of metal, can vary depending on several factors. Starting from the type of metal making pen, the process of making pens, to the size of the pen.

Broken bone pen usually occurs due to pressure from body weight, making the pen unable to hold and eventually break.

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What caused it?

At first glance, the pen does look so strong because the material is made of metal and can replace the role of temporary bone. But in fact, there is still the possibility of a broken pen making it difficult for the process of healing damaged bones.

Some causes that underlie this, such as:

  • Loose pen. Sometimes the pen is loose because it is not properly installed or due to pressure from the bone, so it loosens over time.
  • The healing process of a broken or difficult fracture. As a result, the pen's ability to restore bone function actually decreases so that later it breaks.
  • Pen strength is inadequate. This condition can be triggered by the presence of severe pressure, which then leads to the failure of the pen to support the bone properly.
  • Pen is broken. This usually occurs because of body movements, which are actually normal but carried out continuously, so it is difficult to hold the injured part of the bone and actually break it.

Need to do surgery again?

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Actually it is not much different from the fracture conditions that you have experienced before, so you are required to use a pen. Broken bone pens also need surgery to restore function, though not always.

Previously, the doctor would consider several things including the condition of the pen and the structure of the bone that was injured. If the previous fracture hasn't healed and still has to be treated using a pen, the broken pen must be removed immediately.

Later, the pen will be replaced with a new one so that it can back up and connect the broken bone. Conversely, if the bone is felt to have improved enough and can function as usual, then a broken pen can be removed.

In some cases, the condition of a damaged pen may still be in the body and not cause any problems. Back again, all of these decisions should you discuss further with the doctor while weighing the best and worst possibilities.

Can the Pen in Broken Bones? What to do?
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