4 Ways to Prevent Damaged Eyes Although A Day in Front of a Computer


Medical Video: How To Reduce Eye Strain Caused By Computer And Gadgets

In the era of increasingly rapid technological developments, we are increasingly dependent on these technologies. Today, every day, we are increasingly inseparable from what is called a smartphone or computer, whether desktop or laptop, to carry out our daily activities.

You certainly know that spending more than 5 hours in front of a computer screen is not healthy. What's more if the job requires you to glare at the computer screen for up to 9 hours a day! The eye may get sick or become very tired.

Eyes tired or eye strain due to too long in front of the computer is common. Common symptoms of eye fatigue are usually fatigue, itching, and the eyes feel hot. Tired eyes rarely become a serious condition, even though it is very disturbing to you.

Sometimes tired eyes become a sign of certain conditions that might require medical treatment. If tired eyes are prolonged, you can go to your doctor for treatment. Don't ignore tired eyes that don't heal, because this can be related to headaches or eye problems such as double vision, until significant changes in your vision.

Why are the eyes tired after lingering at the computer?

Eyes tired because too long in front of the computer is usually referred to as computer vision syndrome or computer vision syndrome. This condition affects 50% -90% of workers who work using computers. Wow, a lot! In fact, about 10 million people carry out eye examinations each year related computer vision syndrome this.

Too long in front of the computer, and also in other digital devices, making us blink less. Generally someone blinks 18 times a minute. By blinking naturally we willrefreshed our eyes. A study says someone who uses a computer or other digital device only blinks 9 times a minute, aka only half the usual. As a result, the eyes become dry, tired, itchy and feel hot.

Symptoms of tired eyes

In general, eye symptoms are tired, namely:

  • Eye irritation or tension
  • It's hard to focus
  • Dry or wet eyes
  • Double vision or blur
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders or back

These symptoms can reduce your daily productivity, including work. But when you sleep, the eyes can rest and get the nutrients needed to be able to work again tomorrow. Lack of sleep means extending the irritation of your tired eyes.

How to prevent eye damage due to a computer

Prolonged tired eyes can damage vision and interfere with daily activities. To prevent it is actually quite easy. You simply change your habits of activity or work in the office or in your environment.

There are some tips that you can do from the National Eye Institute, Prevent Blindness, and Get Eye Smart, namely:

Make your computer screen "friendly"

  • Put a computer screen about 50-66 cm away from your eyes.
  • Clean dust and fingerprints from the screen. Stains on the screen can reduce contrast and increase light and reflection.
  • Select a screen that can be tilted and rotated.
  • Consider using a light filter on your screen.

Change your work environment

  • Adjust the lighting of the room so that it doesn't get too bright, too dark, or there is a reflection of light on the computer screen.
  • Use a height adjustable seat.

Don't just work!

  • Try the 20-20-20 rule! Every 20 minutes, what's something that is 20 feet (about 6 meters) for 20 seconds.
  • Install a note that says "Flashing!" On your computer, so you don't forget.
  • Set regular breaks, and keep away from the computer temporarily.

Perform a small treatment on the eyes

  • Compress your tired or dry eyes with a warm towel (when your eyes are closed).
  • Use eye drops to refresh your eyes when they feel dry.
  • To help prevent dry eyes while working indoors, use air cleaners to filter dust and increase humidity.


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4 Ways to Prevent Damaged Eyes Although A Day in Front of a Computer
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