Can you eat sweet foods while you have sore throat?


Medical Video: Sore Throat | How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat (2019)

Have you ever experienced strep throat after eating sweets? Or even when you experience sore throat then eat ice cream or candy, and the pain that you feel is getting worse?

Of course experiencing inflammation in your throat makes you very uncomfortable. Itching, dryness, and sometimes pain in the throat are symptoms that are often experienced, and in some cases, sweet foods make these symptoms worse. Then, why can sweet foods make your sore throat worse? See the next explanation.

Sweet foods are not the cause of sore throat, but ...

Basically sore throat does occur due to bacterial and viral infections. Although sweet foods do not cause direct sore throat, there are several reasons that make all the sweet snacks you eat can trigger you to experience the condition, what are the things?

Sweet foods can reduce the immune system

One reason why too much snacking on foods that contain too much sugar is not healthy, because sweet foods can reduce your immune system. And when you experience an infectious disease such as strep throat, what you need most is a strong immune system so that the body can fight viruses or bacteria that are infecting. Even sugar makes viruses and bacteria stronger than before.

So, actually the body needs vitamin C to increase immunity, but when you eat too much sweet food - which contains high sugar - makes the amount of vitamin C decreases in the body. In addition, the sugar broken down by the body will change shape to glucose, while vitamin C that has been digested also has a shape similar to glucose.

When the body needs vitamin C to improve the immune system, it does not find the form of vitamin C broken down, but glucose. So that the immune system gets weaker and the bacteria or virus gets stronger - because it gets glucose from the body.

Sweet foods make stomach acid rise

Even though sugar does not directly cause stomach acid to rise, sugar is often contained in foods that can increase stomach acid, such as co-coats and coffee. Up stomach acid or reflux into the throat will cause a heat sensation called heartburn. This condition, if often happens, can cause irritation of the throat to eventually make the throat inflamed.

In addition, foods that are sweet and high in sugar can make your weight scale rise. A study published in a journal Clincal Gastroenterology and Hepatology states that people who are overweight or obese have a greater chance of experiencing an increase in stomach acid than people who have the ideal body weight. So, you should reduce your sugar intake in a day.

Eating ice cream when strep throat can actually help

Ice cream includes sweet foods, but that does not mean you should not eat it when you experience sore throat. On the contrary, a study found that soft and easily digestible foods such as ice cream are the best type of food for people who experience strep throat.

But, of course, first look at the value of nutrients from the ice cream that you will eat, whether or not it contains high sugar. Actually it doesn't matter if you occasionally eat sweet foods when you experience inflammation, the most important thing is to limit the amount of sugar and not too often the frequency of eating it.

Can you eat sweet foods while you have sore throat?
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