Note carefully, these are 15 ways to prevent sweating in infants


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Sensitive baby skin can be susceptible to prickly heat. Although not dangerous, prickly heat can make your baby uncomfortable over time if not treated. Want to know how to prevent prickly heat in babies? Consider the following review.

Causes of sweating in infants

Reporting from Mom Junction, Dr. Jody A. Levine, parental counselor and director of dermatology at Plactic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC, explained that prickly heat in babies occurs due to blockage of sweat glands in the skin. Sweat can be blocked due to the presence of dead skin cells and bacteria, causing a rash of reddish spots on the skin.

Prickly heat often appears on the back of the baby, face, folds of skin, stomach, neck, upper chest, legs, groin, diaper area, or armpits. It can even be found on the head. This prickly heat can cause heat, itching, tingling sensations, and pricking so the baby becomes restless and fussy. This skin disorder is not contagious, but if left untreated it will cause skin blisters due to scratching.

How to prevent prickly heat in babies?

Reporting from Live Strong, preventing the occurrence of prickly heat is to monitor the condition of the baby's skin to keep it cool and not too moist. You can do some of the following tips to prevent prickly heat in babies, such as:

  1. Keep the house cool and dry by using a fan or air conditioner.
  2. Don't let your baby continue to wear thick clothes constantly.
  3. Choose clothes that are suitable for size, not too tight because it will disturb the skin. In babies who have prickly heat, they will cause blisters on the skin.
  4. Use clothes that suit the weather around. Cotton clothing is good for baby's skin because it keeps the baby warm but at the same time gives the skin a chance to breathe.
  5. When going outside your home and your baby using a hat, you should check your head frequently. If sweating should be wiped and allow a moment to remove the hat.
  6. When you leave the house in hot weather, you should take your baby to a more calm place.
  7. Gently moisten the baby rash, with a cloth that was previously soaked in cold water. This can reduce the itching and irritation caused by prickly heat.
  8. When the baby is wet after a bath, wipe the baby's body dry to the folds of the skin that are prone to sweat. Use cotton towels that are good at absorbing water.
  9. Check the condition of your child to the doctor if prickly heat arises. Usually the doctor will recommend a hydrocortisone cream. These creams can help reduce swelling and itching.
  10. Avoid using too much cream and powder on baby's skin because it can clog the pores and inhibit the healing process.
  11. If you previously treated prickly heat at home, then if the prickly heat worsens (does not disappear within 5 days) such as the area of ​​suppurated or cracked skin, immediately check with your doctor.
  12. Clean and cut baby nails to prevent the baby from scratching the prickly heat and avoid blisters.
  13. Avoid using fragrant powder, lotions or oils that tend to aggravate the prickly heat due to clogging the pores.
  14. Always check the baby's body condition and warmth.
  15. If you want to bathe with warm water, make sure the water is warm to the extent of lukewarm, not too hot.
Note carefully, these are 15 ways to prevent sweating in infants
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