Canola Oil Can Help Lower Weight, But Beware of Health Risks


Medical Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 tips for cooking with healthier oils

Canola oil is one of the healthier choices for cooking because it contains 63% monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats can reduce LDL bad cholesterol so that it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Although the benefits are quite beneficial, canola oil is not necessarily good to include in your diet plan.

Canola oil helps reduce weight

A study reported from Medical Daily shows that replacing ordinary cooking oil with canola oil can help reduce belly fat in just four weeks.

The study included 101 people who had a distended abdomen and waist circumference above normal size. Each of them was then asked to apply a healthy diet for 4 weeks by adding canola e oil in their daily diet. Each meal portion of the participants also does not forget to be adjusted to the calorie needs based on body weight and certainly does not exceed their daily calorie needs.

Penny M. Kris-Etherton, head of the research team, said that excess fat in the stomach and participants' body weight decreased considerably after dieting with canola oil.

Canola oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and linoleic acid which can help you lose weight. Reporting from Health Line, other research shows that a diet high in monounsaturated fats can cause weight loss on par with a low-fat diet.

However, beware of health hazards

Vegetable oils containing monounsaturated fats such as canola oil can reduce the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, canola oil is high in linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is a derivative of omega-6 fatty acids which if consumed in excessive amounts can increase the risk of many health problems.

Canola oil is not ideal for high temperature cooking. When heated, the content of omega-6 in this oil will oxidize and produce eicosanoids compounds that trigger inflammation. Inflammation can increase risk factors for several serious diseases, such as heart disease, joint inflammation (arthritis), depression, and even cancer. Inflammation caused by omega-6 may also damage the structure of DNA.

In addition, about 90% of canola oil products on the market are made from canola plants that have been genetically modified (GMO). Most canola oil is processed using unnatural processing methods, using very high temperatures, deodorization (odor removal process), and processed using hexane chemical solvents which are toxic to the body.

The process of refining oil also often adds a little bit of trans fat. One study found that canola oil contained about 0.56-4.2% trans fat.This type of fat is very dangerous for the body. One of them can increase your risk for heart disease.

Choose cold-pressed canola oil

If you want to try canola oil, make sure you choose organic canola oil which is processed through the cold-pressed method. This type of canola oil does not undergo a dangerous manufacturing process so it does not have a dangerous trans fat content.

A safe diet is wisely choosing a healthy and balanced high nutritious food source. Don't forget to keep exercising regularly if you want to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Canola Oil Can Help Lower Weight, But Beware of Health Risks
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