Do not Originally Cut Nails, Here's How To Not Make Cantengan


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Cutting nails does look easy to do. Because so, many people are not aware that the way they have been done so far has been wrong. As a result, cantengan and nail fungus infections cannot be avoided. Try checking again, have you really cut your nails all this time?

Here's how to cut the right nail

cut nails

Cutting your nails regularly is one of the important things to treat nail hygiene and health. However, this should also be accompanied by the right way to cut nails, huh.

Alan K. Mauser, DPM, a foot health specialist in Louisville, revealed to Everyday Health that this was done to prevent cantengan and nail fungal infections. Cantengan is an infection that occurs when the nail grows inward and feels annoying.

In order for this not to happen to you, follow the following nail cutting guide below.

1. Carefully choose nail clippers

Experts recommend having two different nail clippers. One for cutting nails in the fingers, and one for the toes. Why?

The toenails are generally wider and thicker, so larger nail clippers are needed. In addition, this can also reduce the possibility of transfer of bacteria or fungi from fingernails to feet or vice versa. You also do not need to bother to cut thick toenails using small nail clippers, which actually risk making broken nails.

2. Cut nails in a straight direction

You may be used to cutting nails from end to end following the curve of the nail. He said, this was intended to keep the nail shape tidy and neat.

In fact, the curve that is too deep at the tip of the nail is actually prone to trigger cantengan. Instead, you should cut the nail in a straight direction (so that the cut at the end of the nail looks like a square, not an oval). Do not cut the sides to form a curve.

3. Don't cut it too short

Cantengan most often occurs if you are used to cutting short nails. Nails that are too short push inward and grow inside the skin. It's good, leave a little part of the white of your nails for 1-2 millimeters to avoid cantengan and infection.

4. Do it before taking a shower

The condition of wet nails is indeed easier to cut because the surface becomes softer. However, this is at risk of causing nails to be bent, prone to tears, and not smooth after being cut.

That is why, cutting nails is better done before bathing alias in dry conditions. Dry nails tend to be stronger and less likely to cause injury after being cut. However, if you have thick types of nails, you may take a shower or soak your nails first so that your nails are softer and easier to cut.

5. Nail file

After cutting the nails, don't miss filing your nails before starting to move again. This is the most important key for those of you who want to have beautiful and healthy nails. By smoothing the edge of the nail, the tip of the nail will not easily tear the surrounding skin when the nail starts to grow.

File your nails in one direction (from base to end) in a straight and relaxed manner. Avoid filing your nails back and forth and being too pressed. Instead of making your nails smoother, this actually makes your nails thinner and peeling off.

How do you cut the nail that has a fungal infection?

fungal infection of the nail

For those of you who have nail fungus infections may be confused when you want to cut nails. Afraid, the nails actually become easily broken and worsen the infection.

Basically, the method of cutting the nail that is infected is the same as a thick nail. It's just that there are some important things to do, including:

  • Soak nails for 20 to 30 minutes in warm water, so that the nails are softened and easier to cut.
  • Use special nail clippers, because ordinary nail clippers may be more difficult to cut your thick nails. Even the risk of broken nails.
  • Sterilize nail clippers with alcohol or dilute bleach, to prevent more severe infections of the nails.

It's good, immediately consult a doctor if you experience nail fungal infections. Ask your doctor for advice on how to cut nails that are safe for the condition of your nails.

Do not Originally Cut Nails, Here's How To Not Make Cantengan
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