Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Can Enlarge Life Opportunities


Medical Video: 5 Common Signs of Cervical Cancer

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that cervical cancer has caused as many as 270 thousand victims to die in 2015. Even so, women really need not worry. Precisely cervical cancer is one type of cancer that can be prevented and cured if detected early.

Yes, early detection of cervical cancer can of course increase the chances of recovery. So, how big is the chance of life if cervical cancer is found in the early stages? How to detect cervical cancer early?

Detection of cervical cancer early increases the chances of recovery

Cervical cancer is caused by infection with the Human papillomavirus (HPV) virus. Most cervical cancer cases are caused by the body contracting the HPV virus which can be transmitted through sexual contact or skin to skin contact.

Although it looks creepy, cervical cancer can actually be cured completely. Moreover, if found in an early stage or early. Actually, before this cervical cancer is formed, this disease will pass the pre-cancer stage, which is the stage where the cells of the cervix or cervix begin to grow abnormally - but have not turned into cancer cells.

To become cervical cancer, usually each person takes about 10 years if they have reached the pre-cancer stage before. If you can detect the condition of your body during this stage, then the chances of recovery will be very large and you usually do not need to take tiring cancer treatment.

Life chances of women affected by cervical cancer

The American Cancer Society data states that the chances of living for 5 years for women with cervical cancer vary depending on the stage, namely:

  • IA Stadium, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years is 93 percent.
  • Stadium IB, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years is 80 percent.
  • Stage IIA, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years reaches 63 percent.
  • Stage IIB, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years is around 58 percent.
  • Stage IIIA-IIIB, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years only reaches 32-35 percent.
  • Stage IV, the opportunity to live for the next 5 years is no more than 15 percent.

The higher the stage, the smaller the chance for his life. Therefore, detection of cervical cancer early is very important to do.

How to detect cervical cancer?

Indeed, when cervical cancer is still in its early stages, there are usually no symptoms or physical signs seen. Usually, cervical cancer starts to wajahnya show his face ’when he has entered stage 2.

But that does not mean you cannot detect cervical cancer early. Cervical cancer can be known at a very early stage by carrying out certain health checks. Health checks that can detect cervical cancer from the start, namely:

PAP smear

Pap smear examinations should begin regularly when you are married or have had sexual intercourse, women are advised to take tests every 3 years.

HPV test

This test will only be done when the pap smear shows signs of HPV and you are suspected of having cervical cancer. This examination is recommended for women aged 30-65 years, which should be done every 5 years.

How to prevent cervical cancer?

Not only can you detect cervical cancer early, the other good news is that you can prevent this cancer. Yes, prevention of cervical cancer can be done by doing the HPV vaccine. At present, there are many health care facilities that provide HPV vaccine facilities. So, make sure that you even your daughters also do HPV vaccines to avoid cervical cancer.

Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Can Enlarge Life Opportunities
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