Excessive Weight Makes Your Body Older 10 Years


Medical Video: Changes to Your Body at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 (Shocking Facts!)

Obesity is a condition of a person's nutritional status whose body mass index (BMI) exceeds normal, which is more than 30 kg / m2. Obesity is a condition that is quite dangerous and can cause various adverse effects on health. Cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart failure are the highest causes of death in the world in 2012, and this is one of them caused by obesity.

According to WHO, in the world in 2014 there were at least 600 million people who were obese and as many as 2.8 million people died each year due to obesity and its complications. Whereas in Indonesia alone, obesity occurred at 26.6% in 2013 and increased from year to year.

Obesity can cause the brain to experience premature aging

Not only does it increase the risk of degenerative diseases, but people who are obese in middle age or as adults, it is easier to get old. This was conveyed by the results of a study stating that obese people have the age of the brain and internal organs 10 years older than those who are not obese. This study was reported in the journal Neurobiology of Aging which involved as many as 473 adults aged 20 to 87 years.

In the study, respondents were grouped according to nutritional status and body mass index values. There were 246 respondents who had normal nutritional status (BMI of 18.5 to 25), 150 respondents stated overweight or overweight (BMI 25-30), while 77 people were identified as obese. Each respondent viewed his brain volume - white subtansi and gray substance - using a tool magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Then, from the results of these studies it is known that groups of people are nutritional status overweight and obesity has a smaller volume of white substance in the brain compared to the group with a normal body mass index.

The researchers concluded that a decrease in the volume of white matter of the brain is a sign of aging which usually occurs in people who are elderly. This is evidenced when the group overweight and obesity is compared to a group of people who have normal nutritional status but are 10 years older. When compared, it appears that the white matter of the brain from each group is almost the same. Therefore experts assume that people who have excess body weight actually have 10 years older, when viewed from the substance of their brains.

Obese people are more at risk of developing Alzheimer's

A decrease in the volume of white substance in the brain will actually begin to occur when you enter the age of 30 years. As age increases, the volume of white substance will decrease. When the white substance in the brain decreases, brain cells cannot communicate well with each other. That way, the signal given may not arrive and finally the desired response will not occur. A decrease in white substance is also considered as one of the symptoms and signs of the incidence of dementia which will later lead to Alzheimer's.

Until now, it was unclear what the relationship between obesity or overweight with a decrease in the volume of white substance in the brain. But experts say that this might happen due to too much fat in the body. People who have excess body weight must have an excessive amount of fat due to diet and improper food choices. The large amount of fat will increase the immune system response. When the body's immune system response continues to eat inflammation will occur in the body which then results in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is what causes various health problems, including causing a decrease in the volume of white substance in the brain.


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Excessive Weight Makes Your Body Older 10 Years
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