Knowing If You Are In An Abusive Relationship


Medical Video: 10 Red Flags That Tell You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Relationshipabusiveor violentis a pattern or violent behavior in a relationship that is used to form power and control over his partner or ex-partner. Such treatment can be threats, isolation, and intimidation emotionally, financially, sexually and physically. Usually the level of violence can increase over time.

People involved in that relationshipabusive, both victims and perpetrators, do not realize how much damage they might cause. The effects of this violence can affect the quality of your life and character.

What signs are you involved in the relationshipabusive?

Physical mistreatment can be a form of violence, such as punches, pinches, hair traps, and kicks. Whereas emotionally can be insulting, alias intimidation bullying, and berating That relationshipabusive can occur at the stage of friendship or romance, it can even be experienced at the stage of marriage and often referred to as home violence (domestic violence). The following are signs that you are involved in a relationship abusive:

  1. You get treatment rude with hands, such as slapping, pushing, shaking, hitting, kicking and punching
  2. Couples try to control various aspects of your life, such as how you dress, with whom you can be friends, and manage what you have to say
  3. Couples often treat you and make you feel unworthy; for example, your partner says you love you but always underestimates you.
  4. Couples threaten to hurt you or themselves if you leave the relationship
  5. The couple reverses the facts to make you feel guilty for his own actions
  6. Couples always demand to know where you are all the time
  7. Couples feel jealous and angry when you want to spend time with friends

You can also pay attention to the following signs that might occur if the person closest to you experiences violence in a relationship, such as:

  1. Unexplained bruising, broken bones, sprains, excessive guilt or shame without any apparent reason
  2. Withdraw from friends and family
  3. Avoid school or social events for unreasonable reasons

What is the impact if you allow yourself to be in a relationshipabusive?

The following are some of the impacts that victims might experience if they persevered in violent relationships.

1. Physical loss

Long-term pain, injury, and death are risks of physical harm that you might receive. Physical violence can lead to bruising even to concussion (in severe cases). Based on the article Intimate Partner Violence and Physical Consequences published by the American Medical Association, you may also get health problems, such as headaches, gynecological problems, back pain, or digestive problems. If you are involved in physical violence for a long time, you may experience permanent health problems and can lead to death or disability.

2. Isolation of social interaction

This 'violence' can take the form of alienating victims from family members and friends. The victim broke his social ties without realizing it. Victims will usually experience the physical and psychological consequences of 'violence', so they tend to feel strange in the social environment. Vera E. Mouradian, from the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center, stated that guilt and shame will also be experienced by victims, and these feelings can deter them from social interaction and seek help.

3. A chaotic emotional and psychological condition

According to the Journal of Woman's Health, you can also be at risk of depression, suicidal thoughts, post traumatic disorder, and substance abuse. Fear and anxiety may continue until the future, you may be more closed, this will have an adverse effect on future relationships. Treatment abusive what you continually get will make it difficult for you to draw from a relationship. Even though the impact is emotionally not immediately visible and may not have a physical mark, it can damage your well-being as an individual. You will continue to question your worthiness.

4. Impact on children

If you already have children, your child may experience cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioral problems when witnessing acts of violence. Children may misinterpret the violence as an acceptable response to the problem of a conflict.

What should you do if you are in domestic violence?

Overcoming the impact relationship abuse it is not easy, you may not be able to escape the relationship until now. But, you must always remember that you are valuable, worthy of love. Remember again the time when you were loved wholeheartedly by the people closest to you. Building love for yourself can make you aware when you are not valued and not loved. Do something that makes you feel more valued and loved. There is no such thing as feeling valuable and loved by hurting loved ones.

Remember again when you were happy and managed to reach your target, remembering it continuously can make you feel worthy of returning. If you really need help, there's nothing wrong with talking to people you trust. It is better not to isolate yourself from the social environment. Asking for help does not mean you are weak.

Dare to decide to break the cycle of unhealthy relationships. This is indeed difficult, especially if you love the person who intimidated you. What you need is support from friends and family, looking for support where you really feel valued. Don't feel alone, because not only you experience this kind of event. There are many who experience such an event, if they can get out and recover from trauma, then you can do it too.

Even when you see your friend in an unhealthy relationship. You should try to talk to him without seeming to pick up information, ask questions, or judge. Give support that he is valuable will restore little by little his confidence.


  • Know the Signs of Violence in Children
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Knowing If You Are In An Abusive Relationship
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