Healthy Diet or Routine Sports, Which Is More Important for Diabetics?


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Diabetes cannot be cured, but can be controlled by changing your lifestyle. Many things have to be changed if you want diabetes to be well controlled, from exercise habits to diet. Many say the combination of both is enough to prevent a surge in blood sugar levels. But actually, which is more important, anyway, is it a regular exercise or diet for diabetes? Which one should take precedence?

How important is it to adopt a diet for diabetes?

Weight and diabetes seem to have a fairly close relationship. Because, someone who is overweight or obese has a higher risk for diabetes than people with normal weight.

Diabetes may be difficult to cure completely, but of course this disease can still be controlled. One of them is by applying a healthy diet so that the body weight remains ideal. Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, diabetics must be completely obedient to the diet he lives, because it will greatly affect his health condition.

The reason is, if diabetics do not comply with the rules of healthy eating, such as eating a source of excess calories and fat, then the glucose level in the blood will increase. If this happens, it can cause serious problems, namely high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and complications arise in the nerves, kidneys, and heart.

To keep blood sugar levels in a safe range, diabetics are encouraged to always maintain a healthy and balanced diet. For example, by eating with portion sizes that fit your needs, have a regular meal schedule, and pick and choose all types of food to be consumed.

It is important to remember, that this rule does not only apply to people with diabetes who are overweight. Someone who has a normal weight, but who has diabetes should also apply this balanced diet.

Then, how important is regular exercise for diabetics?

Sport has become a necessity if you want to have a healthy body, of course this also applies to diabetics. Apparently not without reason if many health experts who advise diabetics to exercise regularly. Because, sports are believed to be able to prevent diabetes from developing more severe while preventing the emergence of complications of diseases that can be fatal.

How can? According to Sheri Colberg-Ochs, PhD, founder of Diabetes Motion Academy, California, as well as professor of sports science in Virginia, said that when you exercise the body cells increase the work of the insulin hormone in the body, which plays a role in keeping blood sugar levels balanced .

In addition, exercising regularly can also help you to maintain weight in the normal range. Dr. Colberg-Ochs recommends diabetics to do physical exercise at least two to three times a week.

If you are not used to exercising regularly, there is no need to worry. You can check with your doctor first before starting to do physical activity on a regular basis, and after that start slowly departing from a mild intensity. Over time, the intensity of your workout will gradually increase.

have diabetes

Then, which is more important to do if you have diabetes?

In essence, exercise and diet for diabetes are two things that must be done and are very important for controlling diabetes. Applying a balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise is a key component and strategy for success in managing diabetes.

A study shows that a combination of exercise and a healthy diet can relieve diabetes symptoms while reducing the risk even in people at high risk of developing diabetes.

The thing to note is that exercise and diet for diabetes must go together. Take for example, if you regularly exercise while adhering to a regular diet, by eating foods rich in nutrients and low in fat. Then it will make it easier to maintain an ideal body weight.

But on the contrary, if you only eat healthy food, without being accompanied by exercise. Or just just doing regular exercise, without being accompanied by eating the recommended food source for diabetes, then you will not get optimal health results.

Reporting from the Journal of Education and Health Promotion, diabetics should indeed combine physical activity, regular eating patterns, and routinely take medication. Where these three things are key to balancing insulin and glucose levels in the body.

Healthy Diet or Routine Sports, Which Is More Important for Diabetics?
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