How Many Times Should Change Sanitary Napkins While Menstruation?


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Every month, every woman must have menstruation or menstruation. At this time there are hormonal changes in the body that make women also experience changes mood. This is a natural thing that happens. But, when menstruation comes, are you sure you are right in maintaining the cleanliness of your intimate organs? Try, how many times have you changed sanitary napkins a day?

How many times do you have to change pads?

Bandages cannot be released when you menstruate. This object helps you to accommodate and absorb menstrual blood that comes out of your vagina. Each person may have different menstrual blood flow every day, thus affecting the choice of the pads they use.

But, regardless of the shape, length, and thickness of the pads you choose, make sure you regularly change the pads you use. Bandages that have not been replaced can cause odors and infections from bacteria from menstrual blood. In addition, if your blood flow is very large while the pads are not able to accommodate it, this can cause leaks. Of course, it's not the thing you want, right?

For that, recognize how hard your blood flow is. If your blood flow is heavy and the pads that you use don't absorb enough of your blood, you may need to change the pads more often. Meanwhile, the recommended time for you to change pads is every 4-6 hours of use. That is, in a day you should replace the pads 4-6 times.

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How to clean the vagina during menstruation?

Not only changing pads regularly, cleaning the vagina during menstruation is also important. However, do not carelessly clean the vagina. The vagina is adequately cleaned with plain soap and water while bathing. At least, clean the vagina during menstruation more than once to maintain vaginal health.

Choose soap to clean the vagina that does not contain fragrances and antiseptics. This content can affect bacterial balance and vaginal pH level, and can even cause irritation in some people.

Fragrant soap to make your vagina become fragrant you really don't need. Vaginal odor can be avoided simply by cleaning the vagina regularly. In fact, just cleaning the vagina with warm water is enough. You need to know, the vagina can clean itself with the liquid it produces. So, you don't need soap with antiseptics.

Clean the vaginal area well before changing the pads. During menstruation, blood can enter small spaces around the vaginal area, so it is important for you to clean the vagina and labia. Also, clean the perineal area, which is the area around the vagina and anus.

One more, do not make a step in cleaning the vagina. You must clean the vagina in the direction from the vagina to the anus, not vice versa. Cleansing from the anus to the vagina allows bacteria from the anus to enter the vagina and urethra. So that this can cause infection.

Be aware of a rash on the skin

A rash can occur when you menstruate, especially if the blood flow is heavy. This can happen because the band has a lot of blood, has long been used, and cause friction with the thighs.

To avoid this, you should keep your vaginal area dry during menstruation and replace your pads regularly. You can also apply antiseptic ointment after bathing or before sleeping around the rash area.

How Many Times Should Change Sanitary Napkins While Menstruation?
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