How to deal with protruding belly button and feeling pain after childbirth (Umbilical Hernia)


Medical Video: Umbilical Hernias in Adults

Not a few mothers who experience a hernia or goose down after giving birth. Hernias in women who have just given birth are called umbilical hernias. An umbilical hernia can cause pain around the abdomen and navel. So, how do you deal with hernias after giving birth? Here's the review.

What causes hernias after giving birth?

umbilical hernia
Source: Mom Junction

The umbilical hernia is characterized by a navel that looks more prominent than usual because some intestinal organs burst out through the abdominal wall.

This condition arises because the uterus continues to grow throughout pregnancy. In the end, the pressure continued to make the intestine more coincide with the abdominal wall which was also increasingly stretched.

Also during pregnancy, your umbilical cord passes through the smallest gap in the baby's abdominal muscles. These small openings will close automatically after the baby is born. Unfortunately in some cases, the muscles do not close completely.

The existence of these small gaps and added stretching of excessive muscle stretch during childbirth will cause the abdominal wall muscles to thin out and weaken. These are the various reasons why you are at high risk of developing umbilical hernias after giving birth.

The protrusion of the abdomen due to the umbilical hernia is usually painful when touched. Not infrequently also the navel area of ​​the mother becomes swollen. The pain usually worsens when the lower abdomen receives pressure, for example due to obesity, pregnancy of twins, sneezing, persistent coughing, or when lifting heavy objects. This condition can also be aggravated by diseases such as ascites, which is the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Various ways to overcome umbilical hernias

hernia surgery

A hernia is a serious medical condition that can cause harmful effects if left untreated. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor when you feel there is a lump that causes pain in the navel after giving birth.

There are several ways you can do to deal with hernias after giving birth, such as:

Through surgery

Surgical procedures through laparoscopy is a way to deal with hernias that are very effective. Laparoscopy is done to repair the weakened muscle wall so that it prevents the internal organs from sticking out.

In the process the doctor will make a small incision at the base of the navel to restore the protruding tissue to the abdominal cavity.

After successfully returning tissue to the abdominal cavity, the doctor will use Mesh, which is a material that can provide a layer of additional strength over the weakened tissue.

The procedure for treating hernias with Mesh is quite effective because it can reduce the recurrence rate of hernias compared to just closing the gap with ordinary sutures.

Light exercise

In addition to surgery, doctors will also usually ask you to exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help strengthen the weak abdominal muscles and reduce bumps until they return to normal.

You are advised to exercise lightly which does not exert excessive pressure on the stomach and pelvic muscles. Breathing exercises, yoga, stretching, cycling, and meditation are variations of exercises that you can combine as a way to deal with hernias naturally.

Don't use high heels first

After being diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, never use high heels. The pressure you receive when walking can cause the lower abdominal muscles to tighten. This will worsen the hernia that you have.

Also, try to improve your posture by sitting and standing in an upright position so that the bumps don't get out.

How to deal with protruding belly button and feeling pain after childbirth (Umbilical Hernia)
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