Is a Biopsy Really Making Cancer Spread and More Malignant?


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You may have heard that a biopsy needs to be done if you are suspected of having cancer. But, many people are afraid to undergo these medical actions. most of them assume that this medical procedure will only cause cancer to spread and be more malignant than before. Actually what is the function of biopsy? Is the biopsy only done to people who have cancer? Does this medical action make cancer more malignant?

What is the function of biopsy? Is it only to detect cancer?

A biopsy is a procedure to take tissue or cell samples from your body to help the medical team make a diagnosis of an illness. The cell sample will be tested in a laboratory and seen under the microscope.

Simply put, by doing this action, your medical team will find out how the condition of the tissue or cell in a part of the body is suspected of having a disorder.

The procedure is usually performed to identify and diagnose several diseases such as:

  • Cancer. Biopsy is used to find out whether the part is overgrown with cancer cells or not. In addition, this action is also reliable to find out the stage and type of cancer that is experienced.
  • Peptic ulcer, or injury to the intestine. Medical action helps the doctor to determine whether there are wounds in the intestine or not.
  • Cirrhosis. Biopsis helps doctors diagnose whether there are liver disorders such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.
  • Infection. A biopsy with a needle is usually used to identify whether or not an infection has occurred and the microorganisms that cause it.

But indeed, this medical action is carried out more on patients diagnosed with cancer, in order to find out the type and stage of cancer suffered by the patient.

Is the biopsy painful?

This medical procedure is usually accompanied by anesthesia or anesthesia, so you do not need to be afraid to feel pain. In addition, the procedure includes medical procedures that are mild and do not require.

Types of needle biopsies usually only need to use local anesthesia. while if the action requires the medical team to take the tissue in the innermost organs of the body, the anesthesia is done is general / total anesthesia.

If I get cancer, does the biopsy make my cancer worse?

Many people diagnosed with cancer do not want to undergo a biopsy because they are afraid that it will make cancer cell growth worse. In fact, this procedure makes it easier for the medical team to determine the next treatment step.In addition there has been no research that states and proves if this medical action can aggravate the condition of cancer experienced by someone.

One of the studies was conducted by researchers from the Mayo Clinic. This study states that the risk for cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body due to biopsy is very small. The medical procedure must be carried out in accordance with the standards and the medical team will do various ways to prevent the spread of cancer cells (metastasis).

Preventive examples, namely medical teams usually use sterile or different needles or surgical equipment for each area of ​​the body, thus minimizing the possibility of 'moving' cancer cells to other parts.

Is a Biopsy Really Making Cancer Spread and More Malignant?
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