Is cough always a sign that you are sick?


Medical Video: Dr. Oz Compares the Symptoms of a Cold and Allergies

When passing through a smoky environment, you may occasionally cough. When you have a cold or cold, cough is also one of the symptoms. So, is coughing a sign that the body is sick? What diseases cause cough symptoms and should you get treatment from a doctor? Find out the answer below.

Why am I coughing?

Coughing is the body's way of protecting itself. This natural response of the body occurs due to the presence of foreign substances inhaled while you are breathing. These foreign substances can be in the form of dust, smoke, mucus, or allergens (allergens). The presence of these foreign substances can inhibit and make it difficult for you to breathe.

When foreign substances live and pass or stick to the respiratory tract, special sensors in the body will send a signal to your brain to be alert. Then, the brain sends the signal through the spinal cord to the muscles around the chest and abdomen to contract to push the foreign substance out of your respiratory tract.

Coughing also helps remove thick mucus that builds up around the throat or back of the throat. This body's natural response helps clear the respiratory tract from various disorders.

Do cough symptoms indicate that I am sick?

relieve coughing

Coughing can occur when your body is healthy. For example, you breathe air around burning garbage, you might cough. However, after passing through the area and breathing in cleaner air, coughing will not occur. You do not need to worry if you experience coughing in conditions that do not support such.

Conversely, if you continue to cough and have other symptoms, this is a sign that your body is having a problem. Some diseases that occur in the respiratory tract and cause cough symptoms, including:

  • Colds, flu, or sinusitis
  • Allergy
  • Inflammation of the lungs, such as emphysema, pneumonia, or bronchitis
  • Acid reflux
  • Asthma

When do you have to see a doctor?

Coughs due to colds or flu can usually be treated with prescription drugs at pharmacies. Meanwhile, coughing due to allergies can be prevented by avoiding exposure to allergens. For a mild cough, it will usually disappear within one week.

However, if the cough symptoms do not heal and interfere with your daily activities, you should do a further examination to the doctor. Especially if the cough symptoms that occur cause pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, insomnia, or even bleeding.

Is cough always a sign that you are sick?
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