Is it true that Leaves are Effective for Treating Asthma?


Medical Video: Asthma Symptoms & Treatments : How to Treat Asthma Naturally

Some herbs are believed to be able to overcome the symptoms of recurrent asthma. Basil leaves are one of them. What does the medical world say about the benefits of basil leaves for treating asthma?

Overview of asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder caused by inflammation. Inflammation makes your respiratory tract swell and experience constriction. This inflammation also makes lung cells produce quite a lot of mucus compared to usual. As a result, asthma causes you to have difficulty breathing (tightness) and coughing because of the reduced air entering the lungs.

There are many types of asthma, but generally there are five common types of asthma:

  • Exercise-induced asthma (sports asthma)
  • Nocturnal asthma (nighttime asthma)
  • Occupational asthma (occupational asthma)
  • Cough-variant asthma
  • Allergic asthma

Asthma cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled with drugs. What about herbal medicines, for example with basil leaves?

Revealing the benefits of basil leaves as a natural asthma medicine

Basil leaves are a spice freshener (tonic) that is still one family with basil leaves and mint leaves. Basil leaves have a local name that might be more familiar to your ear, namely basil leaves.

Basil leaves are found to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial properties. Research shows that basil leaves are spices that have potential for health. One study shows that basil leaves contain a myriad of antioxidants such as phenolics and polyphenols, which include flavonoids and anthocyanins.

According to research conducted at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, basil leaves contain (E) -beta-caryophyllene (BCP) which may be useful in the treatment of arthritis and intestinal inflammation.

Basil leaves have the same anti-inflammatory properties as ginger, which is believed to reduce asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and natural antibiotics in ginger can help the body fight infections which are beneficial for people with lung and respiratory problems. So with the same content and properties, you are believed to be able to get the benefits of relieving the symptoms of asthma from basil leaves.

The benefits cannot be confirmed medically

Unfortunately, there are no specific studies that focus on the benefits of basil for the treatment of asthma.

But among the diversity of basil leaf varieties, there is one variety which is believed to have more benefits for treating respiratory problems, namely holy basil or in Hindi called Tulsi.

Essential oils and special phytonutrients contained in holy basil leaves are reported to help loosen blockages and reduce asthma symptoms. But again, this has not been proven scientifically strong.

Do not carelessly use herbal medicines to treat asthma

Most people choose to use herbal medicines because they want to avoid the risk of dependence and side effects that may occur from the use of medical drugs.

Even so, the use of herbal medicines, including basil leaves to treat asthma, still needs to be consulted with a doctor first. This aims to ascertain whether your choice of herbal remedies is safe to use with generic asthma medications that doctors prescribe (there is no potential for dangerous drug interactions), and at the same time ensure whether you have allergies to basilwhich can actually trigger your asthma symptoms to recur.

Is it true that Leaves are Effective for Treating Asthma?
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