Know the Blood Cancer Stages Stage (Leukemia)


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Blood cancer can only be diagnosed through bone marrow examination. The bone marrow test plays an important role in the diagnosis of blood cancer stage, or in medical language it is commonly called leukemia. To understand the diagnosis and plan for cancer treatment, you must first know about the leukemia stage and its symptoms. Make a note of all the symptoms and complaints you feel, then consult your doctor for a more accurate explanation.

What are the symptoms of leukemia?

Before you know the stages of the leukemia stage, find outsymptoms of blood cancer can help you detect the risk of this deadly disease faster. But the symptoms of blood cancer can vary greatly from one patient to another, depending on the type of blood cancer that is affected. Symptoms of blood cancer are also generally difficult to diagnose because of tend to be similar to other conditions, such as flu.

Therefore, you need to be aware of common symptoms of leukemia that do not improve or subside, such as:

  • Continuous fatigue or fatigue
  • Fever
  • Shivering
  • Excessive sweating, especially at night
  • Pain in bones or joints
  • Weight loss
  • Swelling of the spleen, liver, or spleen
  • Severe or frequent infections appear
  • Easily bleeding, for example, often having nosebleeds or bruises
  • Red spots appear on the skin

If you or your child experience the above symptoms, contact and consult a doctor immediately. Especially for symptoms that often relapse or don't improve.

Picture stage by stage of leukemia

According to Cancer Research United Kingdom, leukemia stage lChronic imfotic or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has 3 stages. This stage of leukemia stage was determined using the Binet method through analysis of laboratory test results.

During the test to determine the stage of blood cancer, the doctor will see an abnormal number of white blood cells and whether there is an enlarged lymph node or spleen. They also saw whether normal blood cell production had also been affected. The purpose of knowing the stages of chronic lymphocytic leukemia is to determine the treatment or medical treatment you need.

Here's the big picture of the stages of the cancer stage of leukemia, from the lightest to the end

  • Stage A. At this stage lymph node enlargement (lymphadenopathy) occurs in less than three groups / locations and the number of white blood cells is high.
  • Stage B. Lymph node enlargement in more than three groups / locations and high white blood cell counts.
  • Stage C. An enlarged lymph node or spleen occurs in a part of the body, a high white blood cell count, and a low number of red blood cells or platelets.

At each stage, a group of lymph nodes are interpreted as lymph nodes in one area of ​​the body, for example in the neck, armpit or groin. Each area is counted as one group even if the lymph nodes on both sides of the body swell. At each stage, leukemia has its own symptoms.

  • Stage A. The only symptom that you may have is enlarged lymph nodes and it is usually not felt by you.
  • Stage B. You may easily feel tired and have no symptoms.
  • Stage C. You will experience anemia and feel tired quickly. At this stage you will have abnormal blood clots, such as nosebleeds, or bruises. You may also experience recurrent infections and weight loss and easy night sweats.
Know the Blood Cancer Stages Stage (Leukemia)
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