Knowing Tonsils, Small Organs that Play Important Roles Against Infection


Medical Video: Lymphatic System: Crash Course A&P #44

Tonsils are tonsils in the back of the throat. The organ that is part of the lymphatic system turns out to play an important role in the health of your body. In a way, tonsils are the frontline of the body's defense against various infections.

Yes, unconsciously, there are lots of bacteria or viruses inhaled when you breathe. Well, this tonsillitis is the task of blocking bacteria or viruses that cause infection in the body. Therefore, if you experience problems with the tonsils, this will also affect your overall health.

Tonsil size and location

Tonsila palatina or better known as the tonsils are two rounded lumps that are located on the right and left end of the oral cavity. Each tonsil consists of tissue similar to lymph nodes, which are covered by a layer of pink skin. You can see your tonsils clearly by opening your mouth wide while sticking out your tongue. Meanwhile, soft tissue located in the back of the ceiling and located in the middle of the tonsils is called an adenoid.

The size of the tonsils in each person varies depending on the age and condition of the body. Generally the size of the tonsils in children is two times larger than the size of an adult. The more mature and as we get older, the size of the tonsils tends to get smaller. Even so, tonsils that are too large can cause various health problems. Swelling in the tonsils can be a sign that your body is having an infection.

If your child's tonsils are enlarged unnaturally and accompanied by various other symptoms that interfere with his daily activities, do not hesitate to immediately ask him to consult a doctor.

Important role for tonsils for body health

tonsil stone is tonsil stones

Even though it's small and looks useless, in fact the tonsils have an important role to play in your body's health. The tonsils function to prevent foreign objects from entering the lungs. Let's just say the tonsils are the goal, which serves to hold foreign objects that will enter the lungs through the throat.

Tonsils also function to filter out bacteria and viruses that can enter at any time when you breathe. No less important, tonsils are also useful for producing white blood cells and antibodies that can increase the body's immune system against various viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Even American Academy of Otolaryngology say that tonsils are the first line of defense of the human immune system.

Diseases and treatment related to tonsils

tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, swollen tonsils

Some of the most common diseases that can attack the tonsils are:

1. Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis)

The tonsils can become inflamed, this condition in medical terms is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can occur in patients of any age, but is most commonly found in young children to adolescents. Although it can cause discomfort, tonsillitis rarely causes serious illness.

Tonsillitis can be treated with simple medicines at home, such as lozenges, gargling salt water, drinking lots of fluids, or taking over-the-counter painkillers without a doctor's prescription at a drug store. If inflammation of the tonsils is caused by a bacterial infection, the best treatment is to take antibiotics. You should consult a doctor first before taking antibiotics.

The best way to treat tonsillitis is to consult a doctor. Usually, doctors will prescribe antibiotics to cleanse the body of bacteria.In addition to seeing a doctor, you can also do various home remedies for reduce symptoms of sore throat. Some of them are like:

  • Drink plenty of water, especially if you have a fever. Adequate intake of water can increase your body's resistance to fight fever.
  • Do not consume drinks or foods that are too hot and hard textured.
  • Gargling while looking up (to hit the throat)) with warm salt water to relieve swelling in the throat. However, do not swallow water to gargle.
  • Don't smoke and avoid smoky environments. A sore throat will usually subside on its own in less than a week.
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers at drug stores, such as ibuprofen.

2. tonsil stones

In addition to tonsillitis, tonsil stones are the other most common diseases that can occur in the tonsil area. Tonsilloliths or also known as tonsil stone are white or yellow rocks that stick inside the tonsils.

This condition is caused by dead cells, mucus, saliva, or foods that clog the clefts of the tonsils, which are called crypt tonsils. Gradually, more dirt will get stuck, piling up and hardening and forming rocks.

People who have poor oral hygiene, sinus problems, large tonsil size or chronic tonsillitis are at risk of being affected tonsilloliths. Unfortunately, this disease often has no symptoms (asymptomatic) so it is difficult to know immediately.

Although it rarely causes severe complications, rocks can grow to the size of grains of rice to grapes. As a result, the tonsils can swell and cause discomfort. Bor the tonsils can be removed by brushing, water pick, or consult a dentist.

Knowing Tonsils, Small Organs that Play Important Roles Against Infection
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