Like Doing These 6 Things? No wonder the eyes become more dry!


Medical Video: Like Doing These 6 Things? No wonder if the eyes become more dry!

Influence of the environment, consumption of several types of drugs, use of contact lenses, until the aging process is believed to be some of the main causes of dry eyes. However, did you know that it turns out that there are some activities that can unconsciously worsen the condition of your dry eyes?

Daily activities that worsen the cause of dry eyes

Dry eyes are identical to the eyes that feel like there is a lump, itchy, sensitive to light, until it looks reddish. Besides making you uncomfortable, this condition can also interfere with vision. Although it has been possible to avoid these factors as much as possible, why does the eye condition still remain unchanged?

Try to remember again, do you often do the following activities in everyday life?

1. Get hit by strong winds

sleep using a fan

A gust of wind or strong air on normal eyes can make the eyes feel dry immediately, especially if this occurs in people who have had dry eyes before. That is why you are advised to avoid the environment with too strong winds, whether in an air-conditioned room, a room with a fan or a street.

However, if it's not possible to avoid, try using glasses when going out of the house to protect your eyes. You can also use it humidifier to help maintain moisture in the house.

2. Smoking

people smoke

Not only limited to damaging the lungs, smoking can damage many organs of the body. This includes worsening the cause of your dry eyes. Not without reason, this is because smoke from cigarettes will irritate the eyes, damaging the protective oil layer of the eye.

Gradually, there are long-term effects on the eyes caused by cigarettes. For example, the risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness. Even if you don't smoke, even around active smokers can make your dry eyes itchy and sore.

3. Environmental temperature is too hot or cold

hot weather

Temperature has a big contribution to the cause of your dry eyes, whether it's hot or cold. For example, very hot and dry temperatures can trigger evaporation of water deposits in your eyes.

The temperature is too cold too. A study published in the Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science Journal found the results that very cold temperatures can make the eyes drier because they will thicken the meibom layer.

The meibom layer is the lining of the eye that is responsible for reducing evaporation of tears, or in other words this layer will keep the eyes lubricated. If the meibom layer does not function optimally, then the tears that should protect the eyes will be difficult to spread evenly to all parts of the eye.

You can minimize this by keeping the temperature of your environment optimally moist, for example by using it humidifier in the room.

4. Incorrect use of eye drops

how to use eye drops

Dry eye conditions that are still mild or already classified as severe, are often advised to use special eye drops. The reason, because these drops are believed to be able to act as a substitute for eye lubricating fluid, thus helping to relieve uncomfortable vision.

But pay attention, instead of relieving the symptoms of dry eyes, you can actually aggravate the condition due to the wrong choice of eye drops. The reason is, there are drops with chemicals that can shrink the vessels of your eyes, making the eyes drier. Consult with your doctor to get the right eye drops.

5. Often use a hair dryer

Source: Chrysalis Custom Hair

Hair dryer is a short and practical solution for drying wet hair. Unfortunately, hair dryer can make the eyes drier, because the warm and dry air produced can evaporate the water content in the eye.

If you do have to dry wet hair, try to reduce the duration of use hair dryer. You don't have to dry all the strands completely.

6. Using a computer for a long time

too long ahead of the computer

Ever feel dry eyes when using a computer for a long time? Those of you who have dry eye complaints may be increasingly uncomfortable with the effects of this computer radiation. Why? Because someone tends to rarely blink when dealing with a computer. Even though blinking more often can smooth the flow of water in the eyes.

Light emission from a computer monitor for a long time can affect your visual ability, which causes the eyes to feel dry and more tired.

Don't worry, you can still use the computer, really. It's just that, try to blink more often, rest your eyes every 15-20 minutes, and always provide dry eye drops near you.

Like Doing These 6 Things? No wonder the eyes become more dry!
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