Natural Throat Pain Medication You Can Find At Home


Medical Video: Sore Throat | How To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat (2019)

A sore throat can be the initial sign of a cold and flu, the side effects of the vocal cords tighten, or an indication of something more serious, such as sore throat. Regardless of the cause, a sore throat can really make it difficult and make you uncomfortable. You may be tempted to visit a doctor immediately, but some of the best treatments can be found at home as a natural remedy for sore throat.

Not only that, free medicines that you can easily get at the nearest pharmacy can also be a sore throat medicine.

A glimpse of a sore throat

Sore throat is a health condition that is often experienced by many people. Usually people who experience sore throats will experience pain in the throat area, precisely in the larynx, pharynx, and tonsil glands. This condition will make you feel uncomfortable because the throat feels sore or hot, making it difficult for you to swallow food.

A sore throat can be caused by bacteria or viruses. However, in general, viral infections are the most common cause of sore throats. You can get viral infections from colds, flu, measles, smallpox, and shortness of breath. Apart from that, allergies, dry air, and air pollution can also make your throat feel painful.

tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, swollen tonsils

Meanwhile, sore throats caused by bacterial infections are less common. Sore throat because bacteria are usually caused by bacterial infectionsStreptococcus pyogenes.You can also experience a sore throat due to trauma or injury to the throat and neck area. For example, you swallow food or fish bones that cause irritation to the larynx and throat.

In fact, even rising stomach acid can cause the throat to feel hot and inflamed. If you are out loud or even talking long, your throat can hurt.

Symptoms of sore throat in general are:

  • Pain or itching in the throat
  • Pain when swallowing or talking
  • Hoarseness
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • In children, accompanied by reddened tonsils

Sore throat is closely related to tonsillitis. Although at a glance both have almost the same symptoms, but a sore throat and tonsils are different diseases. The best way to distinguish and treat both types of conditions is to immediately see a doctor. Knowing the cause of a sore throat will really help you cure the disease.

But in many cases, a sore throat will usually subside on its own in less than a week. If the symptoms actually get worse, change, or increase with the newly emerging, you should immediately check your sore throat to the doctor to immediately get the sore throat medication according to your condition.

Choice of sore throat medication

The following are various choices of sore throat medications that you can try when your throat starts to itch, hoarse, or starts to hurt when swallowing.

Natural cure for sore throat

1. Gargle salt water

Gargling with warm salt water is a natural sore throat remedy that is proven effective in helping to relieve pain and heat from a sore throat. Reporting from Health, some studies have found that gargling salt water several times a day can reduce swelling in the throat and melt mucus, and help rinse bacteria and various irritants so as to relieve your discomfort when swallowing.

To make this natural cure for sore throats, you can simply paint 1 teaspoon of table salt with a cup of warm water. Stir until the salt dissolves with water, then rinse for a few seconds. Take it out, and repeat the gargle of salt water several times throughout the day. If the saltiness is unbearable for you, mix a little honey to neutralize the taste. This natural sore throat medication should be done routinely to get optimal results.

2. Fill in body fluids

If you experience strep throat, you need more fluids to ease the pain. Maintaining body fluid intake is an important part of natural cure for sore throat. When you lack fluids, the body cannot produce enough saliva and mucus to keep the throat moist. This will cause swelling and make inflammation worse.

You must consume enough fluids so that your urine is bright yellow or clear. This will keep your mucous membranes moist and work better against bacteria and irritants, such as allergens, and make the immune system more effective in fighting the symptoms of other colds and flu.

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Drink plenty of water is the best natural remedy for sore throat. But you can also replace it with warm honey ginger tea, warm fresh green tea, or delicious chicken soup. The sodium content in chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory function, besides, eating something when your throat hurts can be difficult, so breathing in liquid nutrients can guarantee the adequate nutrition you need to fight your disease.

3. Lozenge

Some free lozenges on the market can be a sore throat remedy. Most lozenges contain menthol extract, peppermint, or eucalyptus. These ingredients can give a cool and numbness effect to your throat tissue. This is because these three ingredients contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties so they are suitable to be used as a sore throat medicine to encourage the healing process.

Candy and cough medicines function to increase saliva production and keep your throat wet. But as the name implies, this candy can relieve your itchy throat, even if it's only temporary and very effective in an emergency.

4. Lemon juice

The astringent properties found in lemon juice can help to reduce swelling in the throat tissue and create an acidic environment that can kill irritating viruses and bacteria.

As a natural remedy for sore throat, you can simply mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a cup of warm water, and rinse it for a few seconds. Do it several times a day.

5. Gargle apple vinegar and salt

If your throat is inflamed due to a severe cough, overcome with 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar mixed with 2 teaspoons of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water. This is one of the natural sore throats that you can at home. If needed, use this mixture as a mouthwash several times a day.

Acid apple vinegar will coat your throat while creating a bad environment for viruses and bacteria to survive. For a lighter natural sciatica drug, mix each 1/4 cup of apple vinegar and 1/4 cup of honey, then gargle using the herb every four hours.

6. Gargle turmeric water

This yellow spice is a very powerful antioxidant agent, and is also useful for fighting many serious conditions. Including can also be used as a natural remedy for sore throats. To relieve sore throat, mix 1/2 teaspoon of powdered turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water, gargle for a few seconds. Repeat several times a day so that the natural sore throat medicine can work more optimally.

7. Cinnamon mix honey

Not only as a seasoning or cake, cinnamon can also be a sore throat medicine. Because, cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that can inhibit the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. That way, cinnamon helps reduce swelling, pain and inflammation.

To make a natural remedy for sore throat, add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of hot water. After that, mix two teaspoons of honey. As long as the drink is still hot, breathe in the water, and after the water has warmed you can consume it. You can drink this natural concoction 2-3 times a day for a week.

8. Take a warm bath

Inhaling moist air can be a natural remedy for sore throats that you can try next. This method helps relieve swelling due to inflammation of the throat, while also overcoming congestion.

Replace the cold water you normally use when bathing with warm water, or you can fill a large bowl with warm water by hanging a towel over your head to keep the warm steam from coming out of the bowl. Take a deep breath for a few minutes and continue to repeat for a few moments to relieve a sore throat.

Alternatively, you can use an air humidifier as a natural remedy for sore throats.

9. Stop smoking

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A sore throat can be caused by smoking. So, don't be surprised if your throat will often hurt. Chemicals in cigarettes can make the throat walls hurt. Even in severe cases, injuries to this throat can change and develop into throat cancer.

That is why stopping smoking or using other tobacco products is a natural sore throat medicine that you can easily do. If you are not an active smoker, avoid cigarette smoke as much as possible. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke can irritate your throat.

10. Take a break

Rest may be the best natural sore throat remedy that you can take to fight off infections that cause sore throats. Getting enough rest can help increase immunity, so you can recover faster. In addition, don't forget to rest your voice as another option for natural sore throats.

Medication for sore throats at the pharmacy

In addition to the various natural remedies for sore throats mentioned above, you can also deal with sore throats with over-the-counter medicines at the nearest pharmacy or drug store. Usually, this method is used if some natural remedies for sore throats do not also make your condition improve.

Here are some choices for sore throats at a pharmacy that can help alleviate the symptoms of sore throat that you experience:

1. Painkillers

If you have had a sore throat and feel that the pain is disturbing, you can buy a sore throat medicine at the pharmacy. To relieve pain and fever, choose a sore throat medication at a NSAID pharmacy, such as aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen. The medicine for sore throats in this pharmacy is a combination of painkillers and anti-inflammatories. However, a sore throat drug in this pharmacy only relieves pain and does not treat inflammation.

Yes, various sore throats at the pharmacy will make you feel better and also reduce some of the swelling associated with sore throats. In addition, a sore throat medication at this pharmacy can also help reduce symptoms of fever and flu that may follow your sore throat.

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Before taking a sore throat medication at a pharmacy, you need to understand correctly how to use it. Therefore, make sure you always read in advance how to use the drugs listed on the packaging so as not to overdose. Because some sore throats drugs in this pharmacy may not be safe for use by children or people with certain health problems.

You children under the age of 16 may not take aspirin. Instead, you can give paracetamol. Paracetamol can also be an alternative choice for children who might not be able to take ibuprofen.

2. Antibiotics

If your sore throat is caused by bacteria, you can take antbiotics. But remember, this sore throat medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Order in taking antibiotics as a sore throat medicine.

Don't forget to finish this medication even though your condition has improved and the symptoms have disappeared. This is done in an effort to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the body that can worsen your condition. Symptoms that disappear after taking this sore throat medication occur because the bacteria fainted, but have not died completely. If the antibiotic is stopped, the bacteria will wake up again and cause pain to come back. In fact, bacteria become increasingly resistant to antibiotics.

Various effective ways to prevent sore throats

Although a sore throat can be caused by many things, it does not mean you do not prevent this one disease. Yes, there are a number of ways you can prevent these conditions, including:

  • Make sure you always wash your hands with soap in running water before and after activity. Especially after you use public facilities. If necessary, bring it hand sanitizer in your bag for urgent situations where there is no water for washing hands.
  • If you have begun to feel signs of a sore throat, avoid a variety of oily and spicy foods because they can make the organs in your throat more irritating.
  • If you smoke, start to stop smoking. While if you are not a smoker, avoid cigarette smoke.
  • Avoid sources of allergies or other irritants that can trigger sore throats, such as pollutants, dust, and so on.
Natural Throat Pain Medication You Can Find At Home
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