Often Made Wedang, Don't Miss 4 Great Benefits of Secang Wood


Secang wood is often processed into wedang secang drinks by Javanese people. In addition to warm the body, wedang secang turns out to save a myriad of other healthy properties that are a pity if missed. Indeed, what are the benefits of secang wood? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Get acquainted with secang plants

benefits of secang wood

Secang plants are a type of thorny tree with small leaves. Secang fruit at a glance is similar to Chinese petai which is greenish in color, but discarding the sapphire will turn brown when cooked. In addition, there are yellow or orange flowers at the top.

This plant has a latin name Caesalpinia sappan or Biancaea sappanand thrives in Indonesia, India and Malaysia. The part of the secang plant that is most often used is pith, which is the inside of a log.

Benefits and benefits of secang wood for body health

The active ingredient in wood is believed to be able to treat various diseases, such as diabetes, skin diseases, diarrhea, and dysentery. The following are the potential benefits of secang wood for body health, as quoted from an article written by Shrishailappa Badami and colleagues from J.S.S Collage of Pharmacy.

1. Antitumor

cancer and tumor

One of the benefits of secang wood that has been widely studied is its antitumor properties. Water extract of stem wood secang with an additional 50% ethanol was reported to inhibit tumor cell development in lab rats.

Tumors are abnormal tissue development. There are tumors that are benign, but some are malignant and cancerous.

2. Antibacterial

bacteria is

Bacterial infections are one of the most common causes of infectious diseases. Well, one of the benefits of secang wood according to several studies is to improve the work of the body's immune system to fight various types of bacteria. ExampleBasil subtilis (causes of vomiting / gastroenteritis), Staphylococcus aureus (causes of bacteremia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and skin diseases), Salmonella typhi (cause of typing),and E.coli (causes of diarrhea and general digestive disorders).

The potential benefits of secang wood against bacteria are known to arise when secang water is added with 95% ethanol as an essential oil solvent.

3. Anti-inflammatory and stimulates the immune system

rheumatism can be completely cured

Based on research, secang stem wood can be anti-inflammatory. Among the 130 herbal medicines tested, Secang wood is an herbal medicine that can prevent inhibition of hyaluronidase activity, a protein that is genetically designed to cause inflammation.

In addition, the antioxidant content of Brazil in secang can improve immune function in mice.

4. Lower blood sugar and maintain liver health

overcome fatigue due to rheumatism

In one study, secang wood extract can improve glucose metabolism in mice with hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition when the sugar level in the body is below normal. In addition, brazilin compounds are also believed to protect and maintain liver function to continue to be healthy.

Often Made Wedang, Don't Miss 4 Great Benefits of Secang Wood
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