Often Unaware of Shaking Your Feet? Maybe You Have This


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Restless leg syndrome (restless leg syndrome) or also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a nervous system disorder that causes a large and irresistible urge to move the foot. This can also cause a tingling sensation in the legs, calves, and thighs. Sensations often get worse in the afternoon and evening. This sensation can not only be felt on the legs, but also on the arms. Restless leg syndrome is also associated with a forced pounding of the legs and arms, known as periodic limb movements in sleep.

Causes of restless leg syndrome (restless leg syndrome)

In most cases, doctors do not know the cause of this syndrome, but genes are thought to play a role. Nearly half of sufferers of this syndrome have family members with this condition. Other factors associated with worsening restless leg syndrome include:

  • Chronic illness. Chronic diseases and certain medical conditions, such as iron deficiency, Parkinson's disease, kidney failure, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy often include symptoms of restless feet. Treating this condition can help overcome restless leg syndrome.
  • Drug. Several types of drugs, including anti-nausea drugs, antipsychotic drugs, some antidepressants, and cold drugs and allergies containing sedative antihistamines can worsen symptoms.
  • Pregnancy. Some women usually experience restless leg syndrome during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Symptoms usually disappear within one month after giving birth.

Other factors, such as alcohol use and lack of sleep can also trigger symptoms or make the syndrome worse. Improve sleep patterns or stop using alcohol, in this case it can relieve symptoms.

Signs you have restless leg syndrome (restless leg syndrome)

1. A strong urge to move the foot

People who feel this urge feel that they have to move their legs, and often accompanied by an uncomfortable sensation. Some words that can be used to describe this sensation include itching, tingling, goose bumps, or interest.

2. The desire to shake your feet makes it difficult for you to fall asleep

A large number of people have restless leg syndrome also have periodic leg movements during (PLMS). PLMS is a repetitive movement that occurs every 20-30 seconds and continues to recur throughout the night, causing your sleep to be disrupted. This is actually not included in the diagnostic criteria, but doctors can use it to support the diagnosis.

3. You will feel better when you shake your legs

If the uncomfortable sensation disappears after you shake your legs, then this is another sign of restless leg sybdrome. Symptoms can disappear completely or only partially, but you will definitely feel better immediately after starting the activity. Symptoms will disappear as long as you keep moving your legs.

4. The desire to shake your legs will be more severe when you rest

If you suffer restless leg syndrome, the longer you rest, the greater the chance of symptoms. In addition, you will also feel symptoms getting worse at night. If the symptoms don't get worse at night, then you might not have this restless leg syndrome. Some sufferers can also have severe symptoms during the day.

How do you deal with restless leg syndrome?

Treatment for restless leg syndrometargeted at reducing symptoms. Mild and severe restless leg syndrome sufferers must make lifestyle changes, such as starting a regular exercise program, building regular sleep patterns, and eliminating or reducing the use of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco, to help with treatment. In addition, you can do some non-drug treatments, such as:

  • Foot massage
  • Take a warm bath
  • Hot compresses or ice cubes
  • Good sleep patterns

Medication can help as a treatment restless leg syndrome, but not all drugs can help everyone. In fact, drugs that can reduce symptoms in one person actually worsen the symptoms of others. In other cases, drugs that work for a while may lose their effectiveness over time. Drugs that can be used to treat restless leg syndrome, include:

  • Dopaminergic drug
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Narcotics pain relief
  • Anticonvulsants (anticonvulsant drugs)

Although restless leg syndrome cannot be treated, temporary treatment can help you control the condition, reduce symptoms, and improve sleep quality.



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Often Unaware of Shaking Your Feet? Maybe You Have This
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