Guide to Meeting the Nutrition Needs of Basketball Players


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Just like other sports, basketball is a type of sport that requires players to pour a lot of energy to keep moving and running during the game. Therefore, proper nutrition needs to be considered by basketball players so they don't easy to weaken while playing. Basketball players' nutritional intake must include a variety of nutritious foods that help build and maintain the body's muscle strength. See the guide below.

What is the right nutrition for a basketball player?

The nutritional needs of basketball athletes are actually the same as ordinary people, ranging from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water, to fiber. The important thing is that all must be balanced. Food can be considered nutritionally balanced when it contains the number of calories with a proportion of 60-70%, carbohydrates 10-15%, protein 20-25% fat, and enough vitamins, minerals and water.

The difference is that athlete's food menu must be strictly regulated at all times, including before, during, and after the match. This is because basketball players must always pay attention physical condition and mentally to be able to always look excellent in every match. A nutritious balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining and improving the nutritional status and physical condition of players before and during competitions.

The need for calorie intake for basketball athletes is quite high. Fulfillment of nutrition for basketball players will vary greatly according to age, nutritional status, as well as training or match periods. The bigger and taller the bigger the calorie needs. If you play professionally and practice more than 90 minutes per day, you may need to consume 23 calories per 0.5 kilograms of your body weight.

Why is eating arrangements for basketball players important?

Fulfillment of basketball players and the selection of food menus need to be arranged so that before the match starts, food digestion process already finished so that blood flow is concentrated towards the skeletal muscle. This blood flow to the skeletal muscle aims to channel nutrients and oxygen needed when the muscles contract to move quickly, such as shooting balls.

But the adequacy of nutrition is certainly not just talking about food. Football players must keep an eye on their fluid intake. While competing and afterwards, You still need additional fluids with water, fruit juice, or sports drinks enriched with electrolytes to replace body fluids that come out through sweat to prevent dehydration in the field.

While after-game feeding arrangements must contain sufficient energy, especially high carbohydrate, to replace the glycogen reserves that have been used during training and competition, which is important for accelerating the recovery process.

The ideal ball player food guide

Following the explanation above, this picture of the basketball player's diet is ideal for before, during, and after the match

Morning food and snacks

Breakfast with foods that are high in carbohydrates is good for starting a day with strong stamina. Foods that contain carbohydrates high for example whole wheat bread with eggs, or bananas with a cup of low-fat milk. To keep the energy of your muscles strong and able to carry out activities, eat snacks as food added a few hours after eating.

Lunch food and snacks

If you are about to start a basketball match in about three to four hours, take your time for lunch. Eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and some proteins. For example, consumption of wheat pasta mixed with broccoli, carrots, cauliflower can be used as a menu for lunch basketball players.

One to two hours before the game starts, eat low-fat, low-fiber and high-carbohydrate foods that you can get from whole-grain bread with jam or banana with low-fat milk. Don't forget to also keep your fluid intake.


What you eat after a match is as important as what you eat when or before the game starts. To improve your muscle recovery, eat snacks that are carbohydrate, protein and fat 30 minutes after the match finishes. Then dinner with a healthy menu after three to four hours of eating snacks.

This will help build and improve your muscle performance. Healthy dinners for basketball players may include chicken, potatoes, peas, stir-fried salads and a glass of low-fat milk.

It is also important to keep your body hydrated. Drinking drinks that not only replace fluids but also electrolytes, especially after the game.

Guide to Meeting the Nutrition Needs of Basketball Players
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