Ordinary Stomach Pain Or Symptoms Of Intestinal Inflammation (Colitis)? Find Out More, Come on!


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Often experience stomach pain? Or lately like feeling stomach cramps? You may experience colitis. Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine caused by various things. So, is this disease a dangerous disease? How to deal with it? Can it be prevented? Check out the full information below, let's see.

What are the symptoms of colitis?

Colitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs in parts of the wall in the large intestine. Usually this condition is accompanied by the appearance of various symptoms, such as:

  • Stomach ache
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea, with or without blood in bowel movements
  • Difficulty defecating or constipation
  • Bloated

In some cases, colitis will cause symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Shivering
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • The joint swells

Pain or pain that occurs due to inflammation makes the intestinal muscles unable to work properly, so the food that should be digested is actually reissued and this causes diarrhea. Diarrhea also occurs because the intestine is unable to absorb water. This can be caused by inflammation.

Pain due to inflammation of the intestine can be felt in the stomach of any part. If indeed you experience these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What causes colitis?

Actually, it can occur in several types depending on the cause of each. What are the types of intestinal inflammation when viewed from the cause?

Colitis due to infection

Colitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by the following three types of infections.

  • Bacteria. Mostly, this bacterium contaminates food so that it can enter into your peru. some types of bacteria that cause inflammation of the intestine are Campylobacter, Shigella, E. Coli, Yersinia, and Salmonella
  • Virus, which causes inflammation of the intestine is cytomegalovirus, which usually attacks people who have a weak immune system. This type of intestinal inflammation, it is rather rare.
  • Parasite, the cause of inflamed intestine is giardia, which enters the body through contaminated water. Usually, these parasites are in swimming pool water, river water, and lake water, so it is very easy to infect the bodies of people who like to be creative in that place.

Ischemic colitis

Ischemic is a condition in which a body's tissue is damaged by cells, due to the absence of blood flow to that part of the tissue. This is what happens to the intestine if you experience ischemic colitis. In this condition, inflammation and wounds arise due to disruption of blood flow to the intestine, so that the intestines do not get food. Over time, intestinal tissue is damaged and wounds and inflammation appear. People who are at risk for experiencing this are:

  • Elderly people (elderly). Aging results in blood flow that is not good and smooth anymore, besides, the elderly who have a history of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol have a higher chance of experiencing ischemic colitis.
  • Patients with atrial fibrillation, which does have a disturbance of blood flow in their body
  • People who have anemia or low blood pressure

Colitis and inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBD) or irritable bowel disease can cause sufferers to experience intestinal inflammation. This health problem is related to autoimmune disorders. Inflammation occurs due to the body's immune system attacking its own healthy body parts and eventually experiencing intestinal inflammation. This condition occurs in people with IBD, namely ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Microscopic colitis

This condition is quite rare and usually affects women who are elderly. Allegedly, this disease is caused by genetics. However, the exact cause is unknown. This health disorder causes sufferers to experience prolonged diarrhea.

Allergic colitis

Be careful, inflammation of the intestines can also be caused by food allergies which are usually prone to occur in infants under one year. When your child is allergic to foods such as cow's milk or soy milk, the body releases an allergic and inflammatory response. In this case, the inflammation is the intestine.

What treatment should be taken if you have inflammation of the intestine?

Treatment of this disease will actually be adjusted to the type of each. However, some first aid will be done in the form of preventing the body from becoming dehydrated and giving drugs to relieve symptoms.

  • Colitis due to bacterial infection will be treated by giving antibiotics
  • Ischemic colitis is treated by giving drugs that make blood flow improve again. Patients with this disorder will usually be given more fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea are treated by giving painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. While the drug used to stop diarrhea is Loperamid.

Can colitis be prevented?

For inflammation of the intestine caused by infection and allergies can be prevented, while inflammation of the intestine due to autoimmune or genetic diseases, it is not yet known how to prevent it. Infection that causes inflammation of the intestine can be prevented by maintaining food / beverage hygiene and personal hygiene. Meanwhile, food allergies should avoid foods that can make allergies appear.

Ordinary Stomach Pain Or Symptoms Of Intestinal Inflammation (Colitis)? Find Out More, Come on!
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