Osteoporosis Turns Out It Can Happen At A Young Age, What Is The Cause?


Medical Video: Osteoporosis | Nucleus Health

Osteoporosis or bone loss is known as a disease that attacks many elderly people, especially women. This is because aging is one of the factors that can cause osteoporosis. However, it turns out osteoporosis can also occur at a young age. Some people who are still young may already have osteoporosis. What causes osteoporosis at a young age?

Factors that cause osteoporosis at a young age

Osteoporosis occurs when the bone loses its density so the bones are easily porous and fragile. This problem can certainly interfere with your daily activities, especially if you are young who is a productive age to work.

There are several things that can cause you to experience osteoporosis at a young age, namely:

1. Amenorrhea

This condition occurs in women, where women do not experience menstruation for a long time. Amenorrhoea causes women's estrogen hormone levels to decrease, causing osteoporosis. Usually women who experience amenorrhea are those who have thin bodies and exercise excessively, such as female athletes in gymnastics and ballet. In addition, women who severely limit their food intake are also at risk of experiencing amenorrhea.

2. Low calcium intake

As you know, calcium is an important mineral needed for bone formation. This mineral arranges and strengthens your bones. Thus, low calcium intake can make bones easily porous and fragile.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who lack calcium intake because of poor diet. Don't like to consume vegetables and fish, and don't like to drink milk. In fact, certain vegetables and some fish are also good sources of calcium besides milk.

3. Hormone-related diseases

Many hormones in the body have an effect on the process of bone formation and destruction. Thus, a disturbance in certain hormones can increase the risk of osteoporosis. Some conditions related to hormones that can trigger osteoporosis are:

  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)
  • Hyperparathyroidism (overactive parathyroid gland)
  • Disorders of the adrenal gland, such as Cushing's syndrome
  • Decreased number of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone)
  • Disorders of the pituitary gland (pituitary)

4. Use of certain drugs

Certain drugs can also increase the risk of osteoporosis at a young age. Such as the use of high-dose corticosteroid drugs for a long time, which can affect bone strength. These corticosteroid drugs are usually used to treat asthma and arthritis (arthritis).

5. Other causes

Some other causes that can increase your risk of osteoporosis are:

  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • Like to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages
  • Malabsorption problems, such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease
  • The body is not active for a long time, for example bed-rest(break) in a long time

Are there ways to prevent osteoporosis at a young age?

Lifestyle changes can prevent you from osteoporosis at a young age. Some of the changes you can make to prevent osteoporosis are:

  • Enough for calcium and vitamin D needs. These are two important elements that bone needs. You can provide calcium from milk and milk products, green vegetables and bony fish (like anchovy). Whereas, you can get vitamin D from sun exposure.
  • Do regular exercise, especially those that give weight to the bones. Sports that give weight to the bones (such as lifting weights, running, basketball, soccer, etc.) can help strengthen bones so that the bones are not easily porous.
  • Avoid smoking. Nicotine in cigarette smoke can reduce blood flow to the bones, inhibit bone-forming cell production, and inhibit calcium absorption. So, smoking can make bones weak
  • Limit alcohol consumption. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can endanger health, including bone health.
Osteoporosis Turns Out It Can Happen At A Young Age, What Is The Cause?
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