Why do women have to urinate after having sex?


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For most women, after making love with your partner, it is most appropriate to continue with the session cuddling or loving cuddles. However, did you know that there is one important habit that must be done by women after playing love with a partner?

Yes, you have to urinate immediately after having sex. Experts agree that urinating after sex can help prevent urinary tract infection. However, what is the connection between sex and urinary tract infections? To find out the answer, keep looking at the following information.

What is a urinary tract infection?

This disease arises when there is an infection caused by bacteria in the urinary tract organs. These organs include the bladder, urethra and kidney. However, the most common urinary tract infections are the bladder and urethra.

Some of the symptoms that appear if you have a urinary tract infection are pain like burning when urinating, anyang-anyangan (want to urinate continuously but don't come out or just come out very little), pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, and bloody urine .

What does sex have to do with urinary tract infections?

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria from outside the human body. Bacteria can enter the human body, especially the urethra, through sex. This is because during sex, the vaginal or anal area will be exposed to various types of bacteria. The bacteria will spread to the urethra and cause infection.

The source of these bacteria can be of various things. For example fingers and hands (when the vagina is stimulated with a finger), condom, the penis, sex toy, or other objects. By urinating, you can push the bacteria out of the urethra. So, it is important for women to urinate before various types of bacteria enter the urethra or bladder.

Is it only women who have to urinate after sex?

The need to urinate after making love is always emphasized especially for women. This is because the anatomy of a woman's body is different from that of a man. In women, the location of the vagina and anus with the urethra is very close together. The distance is only about 5 centimeters. So, bacteria and germs spread faster and move from one part of the body to another.

Meanwhile, for men the urethra and bladder are more difficult to reach bacteria. However, that does not mean that a man cannot get a urinary tract infection. In fact, 20% of cases of urinary infections occur in men. To prevent this disease, after making love, men should clean and wash the penis area.

How long can you delay urinating after sex?

Even though urinating can prevent urinary tract infections, that does not mean you have to go straight to the bathroom after penetration. This certainly can make it mood and the romantic atmosphere vanished immediately. You may, lie down and make out for a while with your partner after sex.

The experts themselves do not determine exactly how many minutes or hours after sex the woman must urinate. The important thing is not to fall asleep all night after making love without urinating first. If there is an urge to urinate, don't hold back. However, if it has passed for hours without feeling dull, try drinking lots of water or increasing fluid intake through food.

Don't forget, to reduce the risk of infection due to fungi, bacteria and parasites, wash your vagina with warm water and a special vaginal antiseptic. Avoid scented vaginal soaps because it can cause irritation, and just wash the outside of the vagina so it doesn't disturb the bacteria inside the vaginal canal.

Why do women have to urinate after having sex?
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