Signs and Symptoms of Mild Stroke (TIA) that are often Ignored


Medical Video: TIAs or mini strokes - what are the signs?

About 70% of people experience a mild stroke or mini stroke (transient ischemic attack) can not be aware of the symptoms at all so late in getting treatment. In order not to end fatal, read on this article to be aware of various symptoms of mild strokes that may appear.

Mild stroke is often misdiagnosed as another problem

Mild stroke is often treated late because the symptoms are misunderstood as mild seizures, regular migraines, or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

In fact, mild strokes are a warning sign for you to get medical help immediately. Reporting from the WebMD page, a stroke specialist named Larry B. Goldstein, MD explained that 1 in 20 people who have had a mini stroke have the chance to have a more severe stroke within a few days or three months later.

Symptoms of mild strokes that you should be aware of

Symptoms of mild TIA stroke are generally the same as symptoms of a normal stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke). The difference is that a mini stroke only lasts 2-15 minutes in 24 hours. The severity of symptoms that appear can also be different for each person, depending on which part of the brain is problematic.

Signs and symptoms of mini strokes that generally occur include:

Severe headache

Mini strokes are caused by the brain lacking oxygen forces. So, the typical symptom that may be the first to appear is a severe headache without obvious causes or triggers.

Weakness in certain limbs

The brain is the central nervous system. That is why if a stroke attacks the brain, the work of the limbs becomes disturbed. Mild TIA stroke usually causes:

  • Difficulty speaking; talk unclear or pelo
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Vision disorders in one or both eyes; blurred vision, double vision, or loss of vision.
  • The side of the face feels stiff or paralyzed (drops down); smile sticking.
  • The arms feel weak or numb so they cannot lift or move hands; When trying, the hands drooped down instead.

If you experience these symptoms without a clear cause, immediately go to the doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment test. The faster the symptoms of a mild stroke are treated, the more likely you are to fully recover.

Signs and Symptoms of Mild Stroke (TIA) that are often Ignored
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