Age How Many Children Can Move from a Pediatrician to a General Practitioner?


Medical Video: A day in the life of a general pediatrics resident at Nationwide Children's Hospital

As your child grows older and starts to become a teenager, maybe it's time for you to consider switching from a pediatrician to a general practitioner or other specialist doctor. However, sometimes you yourself feel comfortable with a pediatrician who has handled your child from a toddler until now. So, can you still go to the pediatrician even though you are a teenager? Or start when the child actually has to stop going to the pediatrician? Check out the reviews.

Can you go to a pediatrician when your child enters adolescence and even adulthood?

When your child starts adolescence, they will face hormonal changes and have health problems that are certainly different when they are children. If you are looking for answers to the right time when your child has to stop by a doctor or move from a pediatrician to another specialist, according to Cora Breuner, a professor of pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the Seattle Children Hospital of the University of Washington, the answer is dependent.

Maybe you feel that the pediatrician you attended when the child was sick was very reliable. They know all stages of child development, including the medical history of children up to their teens, and it is likely that pediatricians will be better prepared to deal with children who are in their teens.

According to David Tayloe, Former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, most pediatricians are still the arrival of teenagers aged 18 years, up to the age of 21 years. At this age children or adolescents are considered to enter the age of transition into adulthood.

David Tayloe considers that at the age of 18-21 years, pediatricians have an important role to play in preparing children or adolescents both physically and directly related to puberty and emotionally related to hormonal changes.

Pediatricians can be 'special talk friends' children specifically about health, because children already know pediatricians in a long time span. For children who have certain medical conditions, such as weak heart, pediatricians can prepare specialists who are most suitable for each child's needs.

When is the right age when the child has to stop going to the pediatrician?

Some teenagers may find it strange if they have to come to the pediatrician when they are sick. Coming to a pediatrician when she starts adolescence can bring them discomfort. The pediatrician whose patients are dominated by babies, toddlers and young children, makes your child feel strange to come to the pediatrician when their height increases.

If your child is ready to stop going to the pediatrician or change doctors, you should listen to them. However, it is important to pay attention to whether the health facilities that are closest to your home have specialist doctors that children need.

Children who still come to the pediatrician when they enter adolescence or adulthood are not a problem, as long as the child feels comfortable with the pediatrician to talk about health problems both physically and mentally.

However, if pediatricians are no longer relevant to addressing health problems experienced by children due to limited health facilities or other factors. You should consider stopping to see a pediatrician.

The most important thing is before you decide to go to the pediatrician or stop at the pediatrician because the age of the child is getting older. It's good, you first consult your pediatrician, whether your child still needs a pediatrician or need to move to another specialist.

Age How Many Children Can Move from a Pediatrician to a General Practitioner?
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