Alert, Parental Violence in Children Can Make Children Violence


Medical Video: How Domestic Violence Impacts Children | Child Anxiety

Without realizing it, you as a parent may have committed violence on your child. Or, you yourself may have experienced violence when you were a child. The impact of this violence can be prolonged, it can even influence how your child cares for his child later.

Violence in children is not just hitting it

Before discussing this topic further, you better understand in advance what forms of violence in children. Violence against children not only includes physical violence or sexual abuse, but can be more than that. The behavior of neglecting parents towards their children is also one form of violence against children.

The following are forms of violence against children:

  • Emotional violence. Violence in children is not only in physical form, but can also be in a form that attacks the child's mentality. Underestimating or humiliating a child, shouting in front of a child, threatening a child, saying that he is not good or a bad child, including physical contact (such as hugging and kissing a child) that parents rarely give children, are examples of emotional violence in children.
  • Child neglect. Parents' obligation is to fulfill their children's needs. Not providing basic children's needs, such as food, clothing, health, and supervision, including in the form of child neglect. Often, this behavior may not be realized.
  • Physical abuse. Sometimes, parents may deliberately commit violence on children with the intention of disciplining children. However, the way to discipline a child actually does not always have to use physical methods that hurt the child.
  • Sexual violence. Apparently, sexual violence or abuse is not only in the form of body contact. But, exposing children to sexual situations or material that is sexually harassing even if they do not touch children, including violence or sexual abuse.

Will child victims of violence become parents like that too?

It does not rule out the possibility that children who have experienced violence or abuse can become parents who commit such violence / abuse to their children later. In fact, this cycle is very possible. Research has shown that around one third of children who are victims of violence can become perpetrators of violence in the future.

The study also revealed that there were several factors that could support this. The main factors found are:

  • Violence is done early
  • Violence was carried out for a long time
  • Violence is carried out by people who are in close contact with victims, such as parents
  • Violence committed is very dangerous for children
  • Violence occurs with an emotionally cold atmosphere in the family environment

Often, child victims of violence cope with the trauma by denying that they have accepted violence or by blaming themselves. Reasons for applying discipline are often used to commit violence against children, so this treatment is justified by parents and children. Even though, it shouldn't be.

In the end, children who have experienced violence when they were young cannot see how parents should love and treat their children well. So, most likely he will grow with the ability to "become a parent" which is lacking or bad. Victims of abuse when this child only knows how to raise a child in the way he was raised.

Is it possible for children who are victims of violence to grow up as nonviolent adults?

Yes, not always children who are victims of violence become parents who also commit violence on their children later. There are also children who are victims of violence who realize that what they receive is not a good thing. So, in the end he was motivated not to do the same thing as he received and to protect their children even more from violence.

The child who is a victim of violence must be told that what he receives is wrong and not good, so that he will not behave like that to anyone. Children also should not be blamed for the violence they receive, so that children's trauma does not get worse and recover faster.

Many victims can overcome the trauma with emotional support from the closest person or family therapy, so they realize that this incident should not happen again. Children who are victims of violence can be educated, given assistance, and therapy to restore their psychological condition. When they reach adulthood, children who are victims of violence can also take parenting classes and caregivers support groups to learn how to take good care of their children.

Alert, Parental Violence in Children Can Make Children Violence
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