The Importance of Finding Second Opinion for Doctor Diagnosis


Medical Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Why second opinions are good for patients

When consulting with a doctor, you definitely want a clear, convincing, and accountable diagnosis, especially for serious health problems. However, it does not rule out the possibility that the doctor you are visiting determines a diagnosis that is hard to believe. Whether it's because the doctor does not convey information and diagnosis clearly, or because there is a mistake in reading the results of the examination so that the diagnosis given is not appropriate. In this case, you should search second opinion. Second opinion in terms of medical meaning initiative from the patient to get another opinion from a different doctor, on the same complaint or disease, after getting a diagnosis from the first doctor.

Second opinion not the same as reference, because the referral case usually occurs when the patient needs further examination with a specialist doctor who is an expert in a particular field, which is not mastered by your first doctor. In addition, the referral also requires a statement from the first doctor for the referral doctor.

When you need it second opinion?

According to Dr. Jerome Groopman, from the WebMD website, there are some situations where second opinion very needed by patients. Basically, if a patient is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, you need to look for it second opinion. Another situation where you need to consider second opinion among others, are as follows.

  • The treatment offered is very risky, such as surgery for craniotomy (skull surgery) for stroke patients.
  • The treatment offered is very new and experimental.
  • You want to participate in a clinical trial.
  • You are diagnosed with a rare disease.
  • Diagnosed diseases are often misunderstood, for example Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorders in children under the age of 6 years. Sometimes doctors drop this diagnosis even though the symptoms are very similar to the nature of children at that age. Many doctors also misdiagnose heartburn as appendicitis.
  • Diagnosed diseases require long-term treatment and treatment, such as epilepsy or pulmonary tuberculosis.

Need to tell your doctor if you are looking second opinion?

You should tell your doctor if you decide to seek other opinions from different doctors. Don't be afraid and afraid to offend your doctor, because you are looking for second opinion is a patient's right that cannot be contested. As written by Kompas, this right has been regulated in Law number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals. By being open to your doctor, discussion and consultation will be more smooth and clear.

In addition, you need to show your medical resume to the second doctor you visited. Ask for your medical resume from a doctor and the health facilities that you visited for the first time. That way, the information or results of the examination that you have undergone are easier to analyze.

Search tips second opinion

If you have decided to search second opinionthe hardest part might be telling your doctor. However, this is still important to do. Try to ask your doctor, who will he meet to find another opinion if your doctor is convicted of the same cancer as you, for example. You can also tell your doctor that your family recommends checking with other experts before you start the treatment offered. Don't worry when discussing this because of searching second opinion is something that is very common in the medical world.

Try to search second opinion in different health facilities or hospitals. This will certainly cost more time and money, but the results you get can be quite significant. Usually in the same health facility, the doctors have similar views and theoretical understanding. Meanwhile, what you need when searching second opinion is a different perspective to support or prove mistakes at your first diagnosis.

When you are looking for another doctor, make sure that the doctor you meet has the same or better competence than the doctor who first dropped the diagnosis. You can also choose a doctor with a different specialty to confirm the diagnosis you received, but you should do your research first on the internet and consult with the first doctor or health worker in the hospital. By doing this, you will be more aware of the ins and outs of the symptoms and diseases that you are experiencing so that you know what things you have to make sure and ask when looking for second opinion.

Risk of searching second opinion

Before you search second opinion, You must really understand the risks first. If you get second opinion which is different from the results of the first diagnosis, there is a possibility that you should repeat again from the beginning of the treatment that is halfway through.

Or if you haven't started any treatment and treatment, the new diagnosis that you receive may actually make you even more unsure. As a result you need another doctor to look for third opinion or third opinion.

However, if it is felt necessary, there is no harm in trying to find second opinion so that you become more confident and optimistic about the treatment you are going to take.


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The Importance of Finding Second Opinion for Doctor Diagnosis
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