All You Need to Know About Fish Eye Disease


Medical Video: 5 Common Fish Diseases And How To Spot And Treat Them

Fisheye disease can appear anywhere. Although it often appears on the soles of the feet, this disease can also appear on other body parts such as palms, fingers, even the face. Apparently, the eyes of the fish in the legs turned out to be contagious, you know. Find out everything about this disease including eyelets, how to remove eyelets, and how to prevent them in this article.

Overview of eyelets

Fish eyes are hard and rough lumps that usually appear in places that often get repetitive pressure, such as at the top of the soles of the feet, toes, between the toes and the sides of the feet. Repeated pressure can also cause the disease to grow in, beneath the thick, thick layers of skin like calluses.

But in contrast to calluses, this disease is smaller and has a hard central part surrounded by inflamed skin. In addition, eyelets in the legs also hurt when touched. While calluses are rarely painful and usually have a larger size.

Anyone can experience this disease. However, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this disease, including:

  • Children and adolescents
  • People with weak immune systems
  • Have experienced this disease before
  • The habit of walking barefoot
  • Have cracked legs
  • Often wear shoes that are small or loose
  • Don't use socks
  • Hammertoe, which is an abnormality in the toes that is swollen and shaped like a claw
  • Bunions, abnormal bone lumps that form in the joints at the base of your big toe
  • Other leg deformities

In many cases, eyelets in the legs is not a serious health problem. Even so, if not handled properly, this condition can cause discomfort or pain when you want to do daily activities.

Types of fish eyes on the feet

This condition is divided into two types, namely:

1. Heloma durums

This is the most common type experienced by many people. If you often wear shoes that are too small to make your toes curl in your shoes, this can cause the fish's eyes to become hard.

In addition, the bent fingertips also put pressure on the shoe base, so that the fish eye on the feet can arise to protect the tissue under the skin.

2. Heloma molles

This condition occurs when the tip of your foot bone that is too wide makes friction between the toes. Even so, people who have normal toes can also experience this condition.

Fish eyes in this type of foot tend to be whitish with a more supple texture. Usually this condition is more common between the toes, in areas of wet and sweaty skin.

This disease is caused by infection with the same virus as the virus that causes venereal disease

This disease includes skin health problems caused by HPV infection (human papillomavirus) Yes, right, HPV is a virus that can attack genitals, and is the most common cause of cervical cancer.

However, HPV itself has many types. The type of HPV that attacks the skin and the type that attacks the genitals is a different type. So, getting warts on the feet or hands does not cause cervical cancer such as genital warts.

You can get infected with the virus through small scratches, cuts, or in a warm and humid environment, such as on the bathroom floor. You can also get wart virus through direct contact with an infected person. After entering the skin, the virus can grow and spread and stimulate rapid cell growth on the surface of the skin.

This disease can appear anywhere, not only on the soles of the feet

Although very often appear on the soles of the feet or palms, but this condition alone can appear on the skin of any part of the body. Usually the name of the name also varies, depending on the place where this disease can appear.

This disease is generally called verruca vulgaris. If it appears on the palm, it is called verruca plantaris, on the face called verruca plana.

The contributing factor is the amount of sweat so that the skin area becomes very moist. A damp environment will become a hotbed for the growth of viruses and bacteria. So, do not be surprised if this disease often appears in the area of ​​the foot because the foot is an area that often sweats.

eyelets on feet

How is this disease transmitted?

Transmission of this disease is more likely to occur if the outer layer of skin is damaged, such as abrasions, scratching marks, dry skin, and so on.Transmission of this disease can also occur through direct touch with the skin or parts of the body that are infected with this disease.

However, indirect transmission is also still possible. HPV itself can survive in dry temperatures, cold temperatures, and can last a long time on the surface of inanimate objects.

So, touching items that have come into contact with someone who is infected, for example because of mutual borrowing towels, will increase your risk of getting this disease.

Apart from the things mentioned above, this disease can also spread to yourself. That is, this disease can spread to other parts of the body if you make direct contact in the first area of ​​infection.

How can you effectively remove eyelets on your feet?

At first this disease may not be painful and generally can disappear without having to do eyelets. However, if left unchecked this disease can be so painful that it sometimes requires various treatments to remove eyelets. Here are some things you can do to treat eyelets in your feet, including:

1. Use over-the-counter fish medicine at a pharmacy

You can treat your own eye fish at home using eyelets that are available at the pharmacy. Various eyedrops sold at pharmacies or drug stores are available in the form of liquid, gel, pad or plaster. Usually, these eyelets contain salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid can soften the layer of dead skin so it is easier to remove. The most important thing, this one fish medicine is relatively mild and does not cause pain.

One medicine for eyelets that you can use to treat eyelets is a tape of fish eye. This is a thick rubber ring that has an adhesive surface and contains salicylic acid. This plaster will attract infected skin, so it can remove fish eyes.

In some cases, this tape can cause thinner skin hardening around the infected skin. That is why, make sure you always read the instructions for use before using drugs to treat eyelets so that the process of removing fish eyes can take place optimally.

If the eyelets on your feet don't heal too, you should immediately see a doctor so that your condition doesn't get worse.

2. See a doctor

Consulting a doctor is the right way to treat the eyelets you are experiencing. You should contact your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • The infected area is painful or there is a change in appearance or color.
  • You also have a weak immune system due to suppressant-immune drugs, HIV / AIDS, diabetes or other immune system disorders.
  • You have warts on your face or other sensitive body parts (eg genitals, mouth, nostrils).

Your doctor will examine the infected skin carefully while checking for the presence or absence of small dark spots (small blood vessel clots). If needed, the doctor will also take skin samples for further analysis.

3. Using pumice stone

Pumice is a natural eyelets. Because pumice stone can remove dead skin and reduce hardened skin so that the pressure and pain will decrease. Follow the steps to use pumice to treat the following eyelets.

  • Soak the feet in warm, soapy water for 5 minutes or until the skin of the foot feels soft
  • Wet the pumice stone and rub it into the hardened part of the skin for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse feet

You can use pumice every day as a natural way to get rid of fish eyes. However, be careful when using pumice. Don't rub your skin for too long to get too deep, this can cause bleeding and infection.

If you have diabetes, consult your podiatrist at the first sign of skin problems on your palms or toes, regardless of how light you think the problem is. Actions such as those mentioned above may be recommended by a podiatrist, but should not be done without supervision and permission.

sore feet up when walking

If I get this disease, do I have to have eyelets?

If the various methods mentioned above do not have the effect of removing eyelets at your feet or even worsening your condition, your doctor may recommend to do eyelets surgery. Eyelets are often the best choice for removing eyelets.

This procedure is done by cutting the thickened and hardened part of the skin using a scalpel. Eyelets are performed to reduce pressure on the tissue below the infected area. You may feel a little pain when the doctor performs eyelets.

But calm, this pain is generally temporary and your condition will improve afterwards. After the eyelets are finished, the doctor will usually give antibiotics to speed up your healing at home.

In addition to performing eyelets, the doctor will also perform a number of other procedures to remove eyelets, including:


The cryotherapy procedure is done using liquid nitrogen which functions to freeze the infected area and then remove the fish eye. Don't be surprised if after this treatment, your troubled skin will experience blisters. Because this treatment will indeed produce blisters and this is normal.

Unfortunately, cryotherapynot long-term eyedrops. You have to do this treatment regularly, if not, the recovery will take longer.Several studies have shown that eyelets are more effective when combined with the treatment of salicylic acid.

Laser treatment

Pulsed-dye laser can also be done to treat eyelets. This procedure is done by burning small clots in the infected area. This infected tissue will eventually die and the warts will be released.

How do you not get this disease?

Human skin actually has a protection called skin barrier, which is the outermost layer of the skin that serves as a protector for the layers of the skin beneath it. On the skin with skin barrier which is strong enough or not damaged, the risk of HPV transmission is lower compared to the skin with skin barrier the damaged one.

Actually, everyone has a different defense or immune system. In people with immune system problems, the risk of HPV transmission is very high.Therefore, the best way to prevent and treat eyelets is to keep your immune system strong. Also avoid borrowing personal items from others. For example clothes, underwear, towels, combs, tools makeup, and others.

In addition, the condition is also often caused by daily habits related to repeated pressure and friction. This can usually result from the use of shoes that do not fit (smallness or looseness, too often use high heels (high heels), don't wear socks, walk or run, don't use the base, or stand too long. Well, that's why, you need to do these things so you don't get this disease:

  • Wear shoes that fit and exactly match the shape of your feet. Comfortable shoes can help reduce pressure or friction on the skin of your feet.
  • Avoid walking barefoot, and wear sandals or other footwear in swimming pools and locker rooms, and other warm, humid areas where ordinary people go barefoot.
  • Replace your shoes and socks every day, and let your shoes dry between hoses. Don't wear someone else's shoes or socks, even if it's your closest friend.
  • Don't squeeze, pull or try to cut your ankles.
  • Wash your hands carefully after treating the infected area, and do not touch any part of your body before you wash your hands.
  • Wash your feet with soap and brush after using shoes. Then, rinse thoroughly dry. Also use moisturizing cream on your feet regularly to soften the skin of the feet.

If you have other questions, don't hesitate to consult a doctor so you can find the best solution for you.

All You Need to Know About Fish Eye Disease
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