The Importance of Zinc to Help Absorb Vitamin C in the Body This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Are you always busy with busy activity schedules every day? If so, you must be careful in sorting out what is the right way to keep your immune system from getting sick easily. In addition to adequate rest and regular eating, you should also balance the consumption of zinc and vitamin C. Why should it be together? Does this have anything to do with the process of absorption of vitamin C? Check out all the answers in the following review.

The importance of coupling the consumption of zinc and vitamin C

Because of the dense activities that you have to live every day, you have to maintain a healthy body so you don't get sick easily. Especially if your diet is irregular, there is a possibility that one or two nutrients in the body will not be fulfilled.

This condition will eventually lead to health problems, including weakening the immune system. Then, this will directly affect your daily activities. For example, if you fall ill, even if it's just a cold or a normal cough, it will eventually hamper important daily activities.

No need to worry, this is where the role of zinc and vitamin C will take over your body's defenses. Why? Consider the following functions of zinc and vitamin C:

Zinc function

  • Regulates the function of the immune system
  • Preventing flu attacks
  • Prevent pneumonia or other respiratory system infections

Function of vitamin C

  • Prevents a decrease in the immune system
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease
  • Prevent complications from more severe flu, such as pneumonia and lung infections
  • Accelerate healing from infection or inflammation

After fully understanding the functions of zinc and vitamin C, it can be concluded that a combination of these two nutrients will be very helpful in maintaining your immune system every day.

Why do you need zinc to help absorb vitamin C?

Most people only prioritize the source of vitamin C intake, regardless of zinc intake. In fact, zinc can help the absorption of vitamin C properly when eaten or taken simultaneously.

Because, according to the European Journal of Immunology, zinc in the body is useful for activating T cells (T lymphocytes). T cells themselves work in the body in two ways. The first way is to control the immune response. The second, attacks cells that carry germs. So, if your body lacks zinc your immune system is also disturbed.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that people who lack zinc will be susceptible to various pathogens (germs) that eventually cause disease.

Meanwhile, according to research in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophisiology, zinc deficiency can affect your digestive system. With the digestive system not optimal, of course the absorption of other nutrients, including vitamin C, is disrupted. Yes, experts have linked zinc deficiency to moderate levels (moderate) with impaired absorption of food.

Therefore, you also need to have enough zinc intake so your body can absorb vitamin C to the maximum. It's useless to supply plenty of vitamin C in the body if it can't be absorbed. Finally, vitamin C will be removed again by the body through urine.

What are the sources of zinc and vitamin C?

There are many sources of zinc and vitamin C that you can easily meet everyday. Food sources with high vitamin C content such as oranges, guava, papaya, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, mango, broccoli, and cauliflower. While food sources that are rich in zinc are beef, long beans, peas, pecans, spinach, chicken or duck meat, and various kinds of seafood.

However, if you cannot take vitamin C and zinc at one time, there are still other alternatives you can do. Meet the needs of zinc and vitamin C in the body by taking Redoxon supplements.

Because, Redoxon contains a combination of vitamin C and zinc (double action formula) which can help maintain endurance and fulfill the nutrients you need during fasting. Don't forget to always read the rules of use before drinking Redoxon!

The Importance of Zinc to Help Absorb Vitamin C in the Body This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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