Various Options for Effective Mumps You Can Try


Medical Video: 5 Simple And Effective Home Remedies for Mumps

Mumps is a disease that is familiar to the people of Indonesia. Diseases that have the medical name of parotitis or mumps can affect anyone at any age. But in many cases, mumps is more common in children and adolescents. Although fairly common, mumps that are not treated immediately can potentially cause inflammation and swelling in some parts of the body. Knowing the various choices of effective mumps is the best way to reduce symptoms, avoid transmission of the virus to others, and prevent complications.

What is mumps and what is the cause?

how to treat mumps

Mumps is an infectious disease. This disease is caused by a paramyxovirus virus infection in the salivary glands, aka parotoid. The salivary glands are on the right and left side of the face, as well as behind and below the ear.

When the mumps-causing virus infects the salivary glands, your salivary glands will experience swelling and inflammation. The swelling that occurs will cause pain when swallowing, chewing, talking or even just being pressed.

Swelling will also cause the cheeks, jaw, or both to look enlarged. This is one of the most typical symptoms of mumps, which can be experienced by children and adults. In addition, what distinguishes mumps symptoms from other diseases is swelling due to mumps usually feels soft and warm to the touch. This swelling can last up to 10 to 12 days.

In general, symptoms of mumps in children and adults are almost the same. It's just that the symptoms of mumps in adults tend to be more severe. Other symptoms of mumps besides swelling are:

  • Up and down fever. Initially the fever is low, then it will fever again until the body temperature reaches 39 ° Celsius. Then swelling of the salivary glands will occur a few days later, usually on the third day after infection.
  • The body aches
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Sore throat

There may be some other characteristics or symptoms of mumps that have not been mentioned above. If you have concerns about certain symptoms of mumps, please consult with your doctor. Although it has typical symptoms, but each person may experience different symptoms. In fact, there are also patients who do not feel symptoms of mumps at all. Remember, every body is different. The best thing to do is discuss with your doctor what is best for your condition.

Mumps and mumps are different!

mumps, mumps, mumps in children, causes of mumps

Considering the cure of mumps and mumps seems the same, both of these diseases turn out differently. Yes, mumps is different from mumps. Mumps is caused by a virus, while goiter is usually caused by a lack of iodine nutrition. Because it is caused by a virus, mumps can be transmitted.

Transmission of the virus that causes mumps is the same as flu, which is through saliva droplets. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, the virus will come out with droplets of saliva and be inhaled by healthy people. Mumps-causing viruses can also spread through clothing, tableware, pillows, or other objects and infect people who make contact with these objects. However, transmission by this method is rare. You need to know that the virus that causes mumps may be able to move to objects, but the virus will not be spread by animals.

Although contagious, transmission of mumps is somewhat slower than measles or chicken pox. However, the more often and the closer you get in contact with people who are sick, the greater the risk of transmission.

Various choices of mumps medicine are effective

Actually, until now there is no special mumps drug to kill the virus that causes this disease. Various mumps drugs in children and adults that are currently available are more intended to relieve the symptoms that appear until the viral infection is completely gone, and the body is declared healthy again.

In addition, it should also be noted that antibiotics cannot be used as medicine for effective mumps for children and adults. Because, antibiotics work to fight bacterial infections, not viruses. Therefore, the use of antibiotics as a drug for mumps is not appropriate.

In general, here are some powerful mumps drugs that you can try at home:

1. Take painkillers

rules for taking medicine

As mentioned above, antibiotics are not effective mumps for children and adults. Even so, you can relieve the symptoms of mumps by taking painkillers. This pain reliever works to reduce pain and fever that arise due to swelling in the salivary glands.

Pain relievers that you can take as mumps are paracetamol, ibuprofen, and nafroxen. You can buy this powerful mumps drug freely without a doctor's prescription at a shop or drug store near the house. Make sure you read the instructions for using the drug on the drug packaging label. Because the dosage of the drug may differ based on the age of the patient. If you need a stronger type and dose, your doctor can prescribe it for you.

It is important to be more careful when giving aspirin drugs to people with mumps who are still children or adolescents. Because the use of aspirin in children is associated with Reye's syndrome which can threaten children's health. So, make sure if you don't give aspirin as a mumps drug for children.

For mumps that have been complicated, using mumps drugs may not provide optimal healing effects. In many cases, complications from mumps require further treatment. You may be advised by your doctor to undergo hospitalization.

2. Drink lots of water

drink water

The most common symptom of mumps is back pain when chewing and accompanied by stiffness in the jaw, making it difficult for sufferers to open their mouths. As a result, many people with mumps lose their appetite because they are difficult to chew and swallow food or drink. Including just to drink water.

If this is allowed to continue, then people with mumps are prone to dehydration. In fact, the intake of water that is fulfilled properly will help launch your body's metabolic system.

Reporting from the Medical News Today page, there are no restrictions on drinks that you should avoid when mumps. However, most experts are more recommending patients to reproduce water than drinks that have flavor. Because most flavored drinks, especially packaging drinks or juices, can stimulate the production of saliva which actually makes your mumps more painful.

3. Make sure you have enough rest

sleep deprivation blood pressure rises

The spread of mumps-causing viruses can be transmitted through direct contact, splashes of saliva, vomit, and urine of people infected with healthy people. Therefore, if you have mumps, your doctor will usually advise you to avoid direct contact with other people, aka healthy people, for some time.

In the case of mumps in children or adolescents, parents can ask permission not to go to school until their condition improves. The same thing can be done by adults. In order to improve your immune system while stopping the spread of the virus, you should rest at home first and avoid traveling out of the house for a while.

Even the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends the same thing. The CDC recommends people with mumps should rest at home for about five days after the parotid gland begins to look swollen.

Bed rest also aims to prevent transmission of the virus to other people. Because the virus that causes mumps will be very contagious even up to a week after the appearance of symptoms.

3. Pay attention to your food intake

low-calorie food

The selection of the right food intake can be one of the effective drugs for mumps. Not only that, a good and controlled food intake can also help reduce the risk of complications from mumps and accelerate the process of healing this disease. Therefore, do not underestimate the choice of food as long as you are mumps.

If eating hard food makes it difficult for you to swallow and eventually becomes appetite, try eating other, more tender foods. Soup, yogurt, mashed boiled potatoes, rice porridge, team rice, and other foods that are not difficult to chew and swallow may be the right choice.

As much as possible avoid eating acidic foods, such as fruits that contain citrus (oranges, lemons, lime, grapefruit, etc.) and vinegar. Because the acidic food can increase the production of saliva. The production of abundant saliva in the mouth can worsen the symptoms of mumps that you experience. You are also advised to avoid spicy foods and oily foods.

5. Paste the cold compress on the swollen neck

ice cubes for the face

Other effective mumps that you can try at home are cold compresses. In many cases, this one method has proven effective to help reduce swelling and reduce pain. Not only that, cold compresses will also help to reduce inflammation while providing comfort in the area of ​​the neck that is sore.

Low temperatures can help narrow blood vessels and slow blood flow at locations affected by mumps. This decrease in blood flow will cause a reduction in inflammatory stimulants that move towards the area of ​​the goiter, which can reduce swelling and pain in the area.

Make sure you don't put ice directly on the skin when doing cold compresses. Because, it can actually cause frostbite and damage to the tissues and nervous system that is on your skin. The best solution, first wrap the ice cubes with a thin washcloth before putting it on the skin. You can also soak a towel in a basin of cold water and ice cubes, squeeze it before putting it on the skin.

When to go to the doctor?

goiter and mumps

Mumps is a non-chronic disease. Most patients can fully recover within a few weeks. Generally people with mumps will recover within 10 days after being infected. Even so, this disease requires proper care.

The use of mumps drugs such as pain relievers can reduce symptoms due to swelling that occurs in the salivary glands. Besides simple home care as mentioned above can also help the body's body heal faster from infection.

Without proper treatment, infection in the salivary glands can spread and cause complications. In fact, it ends with permanent disability or death. Fortunately, complications are still rare.

That is why, if you suspect that you or your child has a goiter, don't hesitate to check with your doctor. Early diagnosis and rapid treatment can help relieve symptoms, avoid complications, prevent transmission of the virus to others, and speed up the healing process.

Whether you or the person closest to you is immediately taken to the doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Experience seizures
  • Sleepy is unbearable
  • Very severe headache
  • Fainted
  • Abdominal pain, can indicate pancreatic problems in men or ovarian problems in women
  • High fever accompanied by swelling in the testicles

The symptoms mentioned above generally appear when a viral infection has spread to other body tissues. Without thinking, immediately seek medical help to reduce the risk.

Various complications due to mumps

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If left untreated, mumps can cause inflammation and swelling in some parts of the body, such as:

  • Pankreastitis. Your pancreas can also swell because the virus that causes mumps can spread to the area of ​​the pancreas. This condition causes your pancreas to become inflamed and cause pancreatitis.
  • Orchitis.Men who are already puberty can experience complications from mumps. Swelling that occurs in the salivary glands can attack one or two testicles (orchitis).
  • Oophoritis and mastitis.Women who are already puberty can experience complications from salivary gland infections. Inflammation will spread to the ovary area (oophoritis) and breast (mastitis). This condition rarely affects women's fertility.
  • Encephalitis. Infection with the virus that causes mumps can cause inflammation of the brain or encephalitis. If not treated immediately, this condition can be life threatening, even causing death.
  • Meningitis.Viral infections can spread through the bloodstream and infect membranes and fluid in the spinal cord. This condition is known as meningitis.
  • Other complications. Mumps can also cause complications such as inflammation of the joints (arthritis), infection of the heart muscle (myocardium), and conditions of nerve disorders, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (autoimmune disease that attacks the body's nerves) or bell's palsy (weakness of facial muscles) , quoted from Medicine Net page. Although rare, this one disease can also spread to the cochlear area and can cause permanent hearing loss in one or both ears. In addition, mumps disease can increase the risk of pregnant women experiencing miscarriages compared to women who are healthy.
Various Options for Effective Mumps You Can Try
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