Breakfast Every Morning, Jennifer Bachdim's Secret and Family To Stay Fit


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Busy as a person public figure did not make Jennifer Bachdim forget her job as a wife and also the mother of two children. He proved this by always making breakfast for the family every day. Not from breakfast, Jennifer, known for her healthy living habits, also tries to always prepare a healthy breakfast for her family.

The importance of a healthy breakfast for the Bachdim family

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According to Jennifer, breakfast is very important for him and his family. The intense daily activities undertaken require him to continue to be healthy and fit. So breakfast is one of the main keys that makes this activity very important. Moreover, the husband, Irfan Bachdim is an athlete of Indonesian football who every day needs a lot of energy to practice.

"I always try to prepare breakfast for my family. Moreover, Irfan, needs a lot of energy to practice so I always prepare a healthy breakfast so that the activities are not hampered, "said Jennifer when met at Nestle NESTUM product launch event in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/9).

In addition, the intense activities of the child at school made Jennifer need to turn her brain to meet the nutritional needs of her children with a varied healthy breakfast menu.

Basically, breakfast does have various benefits for overall body health. Quoted from WebMD, breakfast means equipping the body with energy as fuel for daily activities.

In addition, breakfast also helps keep your body weight ideal because it can control hunger and prevent you from eating in the afternoon. Not only that, the habit in this morning must be done so that blood sugar levels in the body remain normal, so as to avoid insulin resistance.

Children must be accustomed to breakfast since childhood

Getting children to eat breakfast is not as easy as it seems, let alone a healthy breakfast. The reason is, sometimes children only want to drink milk or just eat snacks when they wake up.

In addition, unlike adults, children usually only want to eat what they like without caring about the nutritional content.

Vegetables generally become one of the biggest enemies when eating for some children. Many factors make it difficult for children to eat vegetables. I don't know because the taste is strange or because it looks less attractive.

Therefore, parents need to find a precise strategy so that children get used to breakfast with healthy food.

Jennifer Bachdim's unique way for children to have breakfast

healthy breakfast

One way that Jennifer Bachdim uses is to get used to having breakfast together. So, before each family member conducts his activities, he and the husband agree to make breakfast a pleasant moment of togetherness.

"I always familiarize my family with breakfast as a daily routine after waking up. Instead of just asking, the child will be more difficult to be forced to be better at giving an example with breakfast together, "said Jennifer.

According to him, this method is quite effective to make his children become accustomed to breakfast. So he no longer has to struggle to force his children to have breakfast. Usually, a cooked breakfast menu is made as healthy as possible. This is done to familiarize all family members to learn to live healthier together.

Not surprisingly, Jennifer won the award as Top Parenting Influencer from an Asian social media user award event held in Malaysia in 2017. This award was attended by seven countries in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea.

Parents must give an example first

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What was done by Jennifer according to Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, Nutritionist and Chairperson of the Indonesian Food Agency, is the right step.

Because, giving a good example to children is an effective way to get used to something rather than having to ask or even force.

"Children will imitate their parents' habits. So, if you give a good example, the child will automatically follow the habit, including breakfast, "Hardinsyah said when met at the Nestle NESTUM product launch event in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/9).

Photo source: Agung Ngurah Aditya

Breakfast Every Morning, Jennifer Bachdim's Secret and Family To Stay Fit
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