Watch TV often all day? Be careful, you are at risk of diabetes


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A study found that there was a relationship between watching TV too long and risk type 2 diabetes for adults, even though the impact of watching TV and diabetes has not yet found a definite relationship with children. Is it true that most TV shows have a higher risk of diabetes? See the explanation below.

Research shows that most watching TV is at risk of diabetes

During 2003-2006, the researchers conducted a survey of 2,800 adults. They asked how long these participants watched TV and used computers and how much they exercised. Then their insulin levels are measured. The results showed that the longer time spent watching TV, the higher the level of insulin was found. The researcher does not yet know how this process actually happened. However, higher insulin is closely related to diabetes that can occur later in life.

Health experts have warned a lot, that every hour spent watching television can trigger the emergence of symptoms of diabetes. This assumption is also proven in a study that revealed that every hour people spend in front of a TV screen can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 3.4 percent. Researchers also believe that most sitting also has an adverse health risk.

People who are lazy to move are more vulnerable not to long life

In the UK, the average number of people spend watching TV around 4 hours a day, one hour lower than the average American. This lazy move behavior is closely related to obesity, high blood fat levels and other risk factors for heart disease.

Previous research has even found that people who watch television 6 hours a day can shorten their life to 5 years, compared to someone who rarely watches on the screen. Because, on average, adults spend 90% of their free time to sit, and the rest are lazy to do physical activity.

Increase activity and gestures to prevent deadly dangers

Some examples of the research above actually do not show the direct impact that watching TV is at risk of diabetes. However, it indirectly compares the impact received from watching TV and most sitting. A spokesman for Diabetes UK, Richard Elliott said that this could be prevented if it was balanced by reducing the viewing time alone.

Also by doing other activities while watching TV, like running on treadmill while watching TV, folding clothes, cutting vegetables, or even while doing other household chores. In addition, healthy food intake is also the best way to prevent the above dangers.

Watch TV often all day? Be careful, you are at risk of diabetes
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