What Can and Can Not Be Done After Tooth Extraction


Medical Video: Patient Walk-through of Wisdom Teeth Extraction | Boston Children's Hospital

If the dentist advises you to pull teeth, don't panic. When these stubborn teeth begin to interfere with your oral health, obeying what the doctor says can be the best decision you've made so far.

In most cases, the pain can recover a few days after removing the tooth. But you still need to play it safe and follow all maintenance instructions after removing your teeth so you can recover completely and prevent complications.

Anything, what can and can't be done after pulling teeth?

That should not be done after pulling teeth

  • Do not gargle in 24 hours after removing the teeth, spitting tightly, or poking / touching the former area of ​​tooth extraction with the tongue or other objects.
  • Avoid liquor in 24 hours after removing the teeth. Alcohol encourages bleeding and delays healing.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods or drinks until the numb sensation subsides. You cannot feel pain when you are numb and can burn your mouth. Do not also use a straw when drinking (sipping movements that press against the inside of the mouth can break blood clots).
  • Don't bite your cheek - intentionally or not.
  • Don't snort or get rid of snot. Pressure can shift or break blood clots. If you are having a cold or an allergy, use the right medication to treat it.
  • Avoid smoking within 24 hours after removing the teeth, and if possible continue in the next few days. Smoking can increase blood pressure which risks bleeding, thus slowing down the recovery process. Movement to smoke cigarettes can also reduce blood clots.
  • Avoid exercise for 3-4 days after removing the teeth. If you are a regular exercise activist, realize that your normal fluid and calorie intake will decrease after surgery. Exercise after surgery and other strenuous physical activity can increase bleeding, swelling, and uncomfortable sensations. Activities that you have to do after pulling teeth are only allowed to rest or sit on the couch. But try not to lie flat on your back. Support the head with a pillow to avoid bleeding.

What can be done after pulling teeth

  • Take painkillers - for example ibuprofen, paracetamol or combination drugs that contain codeine. Even better if taken immediately after removing the teeth, do not wait until the pain appears. It will be much easier to prevent than cure. But avoid aspirin. If you have been prescribed antibiotics, make sure you spend all of the dosage as directed.
  • To help reduce pain and swelling, apply cold compresses or ice on the side of the sore cheek for 10-20 minutes. Place a thin cloth between the compress and your skin.
  • Replace gauze before it is inundated by blood, although bleeding after removing teeth should not be very severe. If so, that means your gauze clumps only between the teeth, instead of pressing the surgical wound area. Try rearranging the gauze position. If bleeding continues or starts again, sit upright or lean back with a head support, stop physical activity, compress ice and / or bite on gauze for 1 hour or wet tea bags for 30 minutes. Tannic acid in tea leaves helps speed up blood clotting.
  • After 24 hours you can only gargle, especially after every meal. Gargle your mouth gently using a solution of salt water (1 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of warm water) several times a day to reduce swelling and pain. Make sure that the tooth hole is clean of all leftovers, but don't rinse too hard. This can loosen blood clots and delay healing.
  • After removing your teeth, you can brush your teeth slowly. It is important to keep the mouth and location of the tooth removed as clean as possible. Be careful not to deflate the blood clots while brushing near the location of tooth extraction for the next 3-4 days.
  • Eat only soft / lukewarm food - cold better - for the next one or two days. For example pudding, soup, yogurt, fruit milkshakes, smoothies, mashed potatoes, etc. Vitamin C supplements can also help with recovery. Only then can you start adding solid foods gradually over time.
  • Ask your dentist if he provides gel chlorine dioxide. This gel is the best healing therapy for treatment after removing the teeth.
What Can and Can Not Be Done After Tooth Extraction
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