Your Emergency Signs Must Immediately Cancel the Fast This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Everyone, including you, definitely wants to undergo fasting well. However, you may experience a problem and in the end you have to cancel the fast on that day. There are several health conditions that make you better cancel fasting immediately, because it can harm your own body. Then, what kind of condition makes me better cancel the fast? The following are the signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms if you have to cancel fasting

Health problems that are most likely to occur when fasting are conditions of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. This happens because the body does not receive any intake for a long time. Especially if you miss the time of dawn or do not eat high-nutritious sahur food, it is not impossible you will experience hypoglycemia.

In addition, hypoglycemia is also prone to diabetes sufferers while undergoing fasting, because their abnormal hormone insulin causes the body to not maintain its blood sugar levels.

Then what are the signs if my blood sugar level is low and must cancel fasting immediately? Symptoms and signs when you experience low blood sugar when fasting:

  • Headache
  • Difficult to concentrate
  • Feel ‘keliyengan’
  • Trembling body
  • Get out a lot of sweat
  • Vision becomes blurred
  • Feeling very tired
  • Weak body without energy
  • The skin of the body and face turn pale

If you only feel dizzy or tired, maybe the level of hypoglycemia that you experience is still relatively mild. But if you feel more than one sign or symptom that has been mentioned before, then you should immediately cancel your fast. The condition of hypoglycemia that is not treated quickly, will cause various other bad complications.

What should be done after canceling fasting?

When you experience hypoglycemia, your body needs an intake that can restore blood sugar levels to normal again, so you need to fill your stomach as soon as possible with food. You can immediately drink sweet tea, or drinks that contain sugar to quickly restore blood sugar levels during hypoglycemia, and then continue with food.

Are conditions for low blood sugar when fasting can be prevented?

You can prevent the condition of low blood sugar when fasting, which is by eating foods that contain fiber, protein, and high energy reserves with the appropriate portion when suhoor. In addition, you can also eat snacks that are high in fiber and protein, such as SOYJOY, so you feel full longer and energize all day.

SOYJOY made from soybeans is digested slowly in the body, thus preventing your stomach from rumbling and good for your blood sugar levels.

Your Emergency Signs Must Immediately Cancel the Fast This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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