How do you go abroad for medical treatment?


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Health insurance makes it easier for someone to get access to better treatment. In some insurance companies, the coverage of treatment access is also expanded, not only in domestic hospitals but also abroad. Now, how do you use health insurance if you want to seek treatment abroad? Check out the review below.

Why do many people seek treatment abroad?

go overseas to a doctor's hospital
Source: Forbes

Technology and medical experts in Indonesia have developed and are progressing. In fact, the government also provides international standard hospitals to support the facilities and sophistication of medical equipment. However, the interest of the community to treat abroad is still high. What is the reason?

According to Kartono Mohamad, Former General Chair of the Indonesian Doctors Association Executive Board, as reported by Kompas, there are several reasons why many Indonesians choose to go abroad.

Among these are the overall cost of treatment which turns out to be cheaper, technology that is more adequate or more sophisticated, and health services that patients receive better.

Can health insurance be used for treatment abroad?

pap smear test

Although health insurance makes it easy for you to pay for hospital medical expenses, each insurance company has different policies and products.

For example JKN-KIS health insurance issued and managed by BPJS Kesehatan. BPJS has not provided services for medical treatment carried out by foreign hospitals.

Meanwhile, many national private insurance companies have provided health services abroad. Especially for international private insurance companies, access to treatment abroad will certainly be made easier.

So, whether or not insurance is used for treatment abroad depends on the insurance you have.

How to use health insurance for medical treatment abroad

register for health insurance

Before you make health insurance, usually the insurance will explain the system cashless and reimburse. You must understand these two systems first, so you can use them and make the best use of them. Including to take care of the cost of medical treatment to a hospital abroad.

System cashless make it easy to get treatment without spending money. You only need to show the insurance membership card on the side of the hospital that has worked with the insurance company. Then, the hospital will check the active period of your insurance card.

If you want to seek treatment abroad with the system cashless, make sure which hospital works with the insurance in advance. Next, you need to inform the insurance plan to the insurance company.

As with the system reimburse, You have to pay for hospital treatment with your own funds. Then, the cost of treatment can be replaced by the insurance company in a claimed way. Before treatment, you must first confirm to a third party administrator (Third Party Administrator/ TPA).

After getting treatment, receipts or hospital payment notes, inspection records, and doctor's letters, you must submit it to the insurance company to get alias compensation reimbursement.

Tips for treatment abroad with health insurance

double claim insurance

There are a number of things you need to pay attention to before using health insurance for medical treatment abroad, including:

  • Make sure that your policy is still active and there are no premium arrears.
  • Make sure that the insurance service you choose does provide access to medical treatment abroad.
  • Choose an overseas hospital that works with your insurance company.
  • Make sure the action and care you want is indeed covered by insurance, because there are several actions such as cosmetic plastic surgery that will not be covered by insurance.
  • First verify the insurance for treatment and complete the required documents
  • Get confirmation of the schedule of medical actions from the hospital you are headed for.
  • Choose the cost of care that can be borne by the insurance so that you do not have to pay the difference in costs.
How do you go abroad for medical treatment?
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