10 Foods That Can Strengthen Memory


Medical Video: The 10 Best Foods To Boost Brain Power and Improve Memory

The brain is the most important part of the body because of the vital functions of the body, such as breathing, monitoring blood pressure, until the release of hormones is controlled through the brain. But unfortunately, your brain turns out to be unable to fight the natural processes of the human body, namely the aging process. Moreover, the more you age, the lower the brain's ability.

One disease that is often experienced by a person due to age is Alzheimer'sang is a condition of abnormality characterized by decreased memory, decreased ability to think and speak, and changes in behavior in patients due to disorders in the brain that are progressive or slowly.

The good news is National Institutes of Health have found evidence that food, diet, or lifestyle can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, here are foods that can sharpen the brain to prevent memory loss due to age:

1. Blueberries

Blueberries contain antioxidants that can function in fighting free radicals and preventing brain damage. This fruit can also function in improving brain memory, as well as stopping slowing motor function, balance and coordination. In fact, a recent study found that blueberries, strawberries, and acai fruit can help you prevent and slow down the decline in cognitive function due to age.

2. Coffee

Without your realizing it, coffee has been proven to improve brain memory. In fact, long-term coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's. But what needs to be noted is, coffee consumption will be good for your brain as long as you don't drink it excessively, and don't use sugar.

3. Peanuts and peanut butter

Although both are high in fat, peanuts and peanut butter are included in food sources that contain healthy fats, especially in which there is a vitamin E content that can prevent memory loss. Both foods can help keep your heart and brain healthy and functioning optimally. Don't forget to choose peanut butter without sugar, huh.

4. Fish

Salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other fish turned out to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can sharpen memory, and also docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which is very important for the normal functioning of neurons.

5. Avocados

One fruit that contains healthy fats is avocado. In addition, avocados can also help blood flow smoothly to the brain, reduce high blood pressure and help the heart stay healthy. A study has also found that foods rich in vitamin E, including avocados, can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

6. Grains

Grains, including sunflower seeds, contain vitamin E which can improve brain performance. In addition, flaxseeds and pumpkin seed gourds contain zinc, which helps you think clearly and improve brain memory.

7. Dark green leafy vegetables

Spinach and broccoli are good sources of vitamin E and folic acid for consumption in improving brain memory. But even though folic acid is good for consumption, you need to reduce the levels of amino acids known as homocysteine ​​in the blood because high levels of homocysteine ​​can trigger the death of nerve cells in the brain, but folic acid helps break down homocysteine ​​levels. In addition, high homocysteine ​​levels have also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

8. Apple

Often, when you eat apples, you will peel the skin first and then eat the flesh. In fact, apple skin is rich in quercetin and antioxidants which can play a role in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's. Moreover, red apples that you often consume also contain anthocyanin, another type of antioxidant that can improve brain memory.

9. Onions

Other foods that also contain antyocyanin and quercetin are red onions, while garlic and bomb contain only quercetin.

10. Chocolate

Besides being delicious to consume, chocolate turns out to also be able to improve your brain's memory because of the antioxidant content in it.

Don't forget exercise

However, the thing you need to remember is that even though you have consumed a healthy diet and can improve brain memory; You still need to exercise. Because based on a study, exercise can also help you prevent Alzheimer's and can help sharpen your brain function.

10 Foods That Can Strengthen Memory
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